• Five •

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Several days have passed since Lia's unforeseen encounter with Sear, but the incident still weighs heavily on her mind. Tonight, she lies awake in her bed, the soft glow of the moonlight casting shadows across her bedroom walls. Sleep remains elusive, and her thoughts are consumed with the interaction.

As the hours drag on, Lia's restlessness only intensifies. Her body is physically exhausted, but her mind refuses to quiet down. Her bedsheets become a tangled mess as she tosses and turns, trying in vain to find a comfortable position that might lull her to sleep. The ticking of the clock on her bedside table seems to grow louder with each passing minute, a constant reminder of her sleepless state.

At last, Lia can no longer bear to lie in bed, her thoughts running wild. Frustration bubbling within her, she throws off her covers and climbs out of bed. Her feet hit the cold wooden floor, sending a shiver up her spine. She hastily pulls on a hoodie, some sweatpants, and a pair of sneakers, deciding that a walk might provide her with the clarity she so desperately seeks.

As she steps outside, the crisp night air greets her, filling her lungs with a refreshing coolness. Lia takes a deep breath, hoping that the fresh air will help her clear her head and temporarily set aside her fixation on Sear. The streets, bathed in the dim orange glow of the streetlights, are mostly deserted at this late hour. The occasional car passes by, its headlights casting long shadows that dance across the pavement. The faint hum of the city provides a soothing backdrop to Lia's wandering thoughts.

Lost in her thoughts, Lia becomes captivated by the sight of a stray cat that appears from a nearby alley. The feline moves gracefully, its silhouette illuminated by the faint glow of a streetlight. Intrigued, Lia follows the cat with her eyes, her mind momentarily distracted from her previous turmoil.

Without warning, Lia's shoulder collides with a solid object, causing her to lose her balance. Just as she's about to topple backward, a hand swiftly grabs her arm. The sound of snack bags hitting the ground echoes through the still night air. Lia raises her gaze to meet a pair of captivating, cat-like brown eyes.

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry, I didn't see you!" exclaims the girl, pulling Lia back to a balanced stance and taking a small step back. She inspects Lia with concern. "You're not hurt, right?"

After studying the girl for a moment, a flicker of familiarity crosses Lia's face. "Oh, don't worry, I'm fine!" she says, stepping back from the girl's grasp. Upon closer examination, Lia recognizes the girl.

"Oh! You're that sleepy girl from economics!" she exclaims, taking note of the large brown bag that the girl is holding.

"Yeah, that's me," the girl replies shyly, now recognizing Lia as well. She feels a surge of relief when Lia doesn't mention any other specific alias. She glances down at her spilled snacks, prompting Lia to do the same.

Both girls instinctively bend down to pick up the scattered chips. Their hands briefly touch as they reach for the same bag, causing them to retract their hands and quickly apologize. Lia decides to move to the side and gather the snacks that fell further away.

Once all the chips are returned to the large brown bag, the girl mutters a grateful thank you. An awkward silence ensues before Lia finally speaks up.

"I, uh, don't think I actually got your name. I'm Lia," she says, extending her hand to the other girl. The girl hesitates for a moment before carefully shifting the weight of her bag to one arm and shaking Lia's hand. Her warm palm meets Lia's cold one.

"My name is Yeji," she says, inwardly berating herself for nearly responding with 'I know'. "Nice to officially meet you."

Lia giggles and replies, "Nice to officially meet you too," releasing Yeji's hand just a beat later than expected.

BENEATH THE FLAMES | YEJISUWhere stories live. Discover now