• Four •

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Yuna realizes that she hasn't really seen Lia in nearly two days, except for brief moments when her friend grabs food to smuggle back into her room. A mix of worry and curiosity stirs within her, prompting her to check in on her roommate. She approaches Lia's room and knocks on the door firmly.

"Unnie, are you still in there?" Yuna calls out, but receives no response. Frustrated, she decides to enter, cautiously turning the doorknob and pushing the door open.

The sight that greets Yuna is astonishing. Lia's room has been transformed into a chaotic den of obsession. A large corkboard occupies the wall, covered in photographs, newspaper clippings, and handwritten notes, all connected by an intricate web of red string. The room is shrouded in darkness, lit only by the harsh glow of Lia's laptop screen. Empty takeout containers and half-eaten snacks are scattered across the floor, evidence of the days Lia has spent holed up in her room.

Lia is hunched over her laptop, her hair disheveled and dark circles under her eyes. She looks up briefly as Yuna enters the room, her expression a mix of annoyance and indifference. "What do you want?" Lia snaps, her voice hoarse from disuse.

Yuna shakes her head in disbelief. "Seriously, unnie? What on earth are you doing?" she asks, her voice laced with concern. Lia scoffs and returns her gaze to the computer screen, typing away frantically.

Yuna stares at her roommate as if she's lost her mind, then decides to leave the room. "I'm calling the other unnies," she declares, closing the door behind her.

Within minutes, Ryujin and Chaeryeong arrive at the dorm, their expressions shifting from curiosity to alarm as they take in the state of Lia's room. The trio exchanges confused glances before Ryujin takes the lead, stepping into the room and placing a hand on Lia's shoulder. "Lia, Yuna tells us it's been days since you've left your room. You need to take a break from all... this," she says, gesturing at the conspiracy board.

Lia shakes off Ryujin's hand, her eyes never leaving her screen. "I can't," she insists, her voice strained. "I'm so close to finding out the truth about Sear. I just need a little more time."

Hearing Lia's statement, Yuna rolls her eyes, and Ryujin lets out a frustrated groan. Chaeryeong speaks up, her voice firm yet gentle. "Lia, this isn't healthy. Look at what you're doing to yourself. You need to get out and touch some grass, return to the real world for a while."

The girl remains unresponsive, ignoring their attempts to reason with her. The friends exchange determined looks before converging on Lia, each grabbing one of her arms and pulling her away from the laptop. Lia struggles and whines in protest, trying to shake them off, but their grip is unyielding.

Finally, after a brief tug-of-war, Lia finds herself being dragged out of her room and into the bright sunlight. She squints, momentarily disoriented by the sudden change in her surroundings. The group, united in their mission, decides to take Lia to a nearby coffee shop to help her relax and reconnect with the real world.

The friends gather around a table, sipping their drinks and attempting to divert Lia's attention away from her unhealthy obsession with Sear. Their laughter fills the air as they exchange jokes and stories, striving to create a light-hearted atmosphere that could bring Lia back to the present moment.

Chaeryeong takes a leisurely sip of her coffee before speaking. "You know, Lia, your research on Sear is quite impressive."

Ryujin chimes in, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Absolutely. I don't think I've ever seen you put that much work into anything since we first met."

Lia frowns at the remark, turning away from her friends to mumble under her breath while she indulges in a long sip of her drink. Yuna and Chaeryeong snort at this, their joyful laughter echoing throughout the coffee shop at Lia's expense. Unable to bear it any longer, Lia whirls around to face them.

BENEATH THE FLAMES | YEJISUWhere stories live. Discover now