• Seven •

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Sorry for the wait. Here's the next chapter <3


While Lia waits for Chaeryeong's response, the door to her dorm suddenly swings open, jolting her out of her thoughts. In walks Chaeryeong, engrossed in her phone screen until she finally raises her gaze, taking in the scene before her.

"Lia, why are you interested in my gym schedule?" Chaeryeong asks, her attention flickering back to her phone as she walks towards the kitchen. A tinge of embarrassment flushes Lia's cheeks, while Ryujin and Yuna exchange a knowing look, a silent understanding passing between them.

"Oh, it's nothing important," Lia hastily replies, shooting a pointed glare at Yuna, whose mischievous grin threatens to expose their secret. Lia's eyes implore Yuna to keep quiet, but Ryujin can't resist a little mischief.

"Hey, Ryeong, isn't Yeji the name of your gym buddy?" Ryujin casually interjects, drawing an exasperated sigh from Lia.

"Yeah, it is. But why do you ask?" Chaeryeong leans against the kitchen counter, still engrossed in her phone, seemingly unfazed by the conversation.

Yuna, unable to resist a playful tease, interjects, "Lia has a crush on her." The words hang in the air, and Lia can't help but react, her defenses rising once again.

"I don't have a crush on her! I was just looking at her pictures, that's all!" Lia retorts, rising from her seat with a defensive stance. Yuna sticks out her tongue in response, provoking Lia even further. Without hesitation, Lia swats Yuna on the head.

"Ow! Unnie hit me!" Yuna whines, rubbing the top of her head with both hands, feigning pain.

"What are we, a bunch of kids?" Ryujin chuckles at the playful banter, while Chaeryeong's voice cuts through the commotion, demanding order.

"Lia, Yuna, enough!" Chaeryeong's tone is firm, immediately silencing the room. Yuna crosses her arms, pouting, and turns her attention back to the television.

Taking charge once more, Chaeryeong asserts herself. "Right now, I don't care about who Lia does or doesn't like. We have a sleepover to set up, and this living room is a mess." Her words carry an air of authority, prompting the trio to cast guilty glances at the disarray around them, realizing the urgency of their responsibilities.

The room falls into a focused silence as they redirect their energies, putting aside personal matters to prepare for the upcoming sleepover. They have an agreement to hold these biweekly sleepovers in the name of what Lia calls "youth and friendship," but they always find themselves caught off guard when the day arrives.

As they work together, Chaeryeong busily prepares snacks while Ryujin subtly inches closer. Unbeknownst to them, Yuna's eyes narrow with a tinge of jealousy as Ryujin leans towards Chaeryeong, whispering something in her ear.

"Hey, do you think you could invite that Yeji girl to the sleepover?" Ryujin's voice is soft, filled with a hint of mischief, and Chaeryeong glances at her with curiosity.

"I suppose I could try. But why?" Chaeryeong raises an eyebrow, intrigued by Ryujin's hidden agenda.

"Well, I think Lia might really like her. It could be a good distraction from Sear, for once," Ryujin suggests, a mischievous chuckle escaping her lips. Chaeryeong regards her skeptically.

"I don't want my friend to be just a 'distraction' for Lia," Chaeryeong responds firmly, her protective instincts kicking in. Ryujin shakes her head, understanding the concern.

"No, no, that's not what I meant. They're already friends, I think. Lia even mentioned that we should all hang out together," Ryujin insists, trying to assuage Chaeryeong's worries. After a moment of contemplation, Chaeryeong sighs, relenting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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