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dot stepped out of her house and stood at the end of her drive way.

she started thinking about the previous call she had with her her boyfriend.

he had said absolutely nothing to her about italy. and the whole summer? how do you forget to tell your girlfriend you are going to italy for the whole summer?

she shook her head after she realized she had been chewing one her nails.

she put her hand down and sighed.

come on, dot. you are going to have a fun day with your friends. let's think about that.

just then, a convertible pulled up to her house and stopped right in front of her.

tori's face was there, smiling brightly at her. her wild, wind blow hair was only out of her eyes because of the sunglasses on top of her head.

"hey!" tori smiled as dot opened the door and got in the car.

"hi." dot smiled back.

after throwing her towel and bag in the back, she grabbed the aux cord. she plugged her her phone and lover began playing, starting off with paper rings.

the two girls sang along as tori speed off. the roofless car ensured they'd feel a breeze.

as the song ended, they pulled up to another house to see ollie standing in his driveway, holding a cooler and and beach towel thrown over his shoulder.

dot reached back and moved her towel over so he could sit down.

he jumped into the car over the door and sat down.

"uh, there's a door right there." tori pointed to the small door he sat next to.

"yeah, i know. i saw it." he looked her dead in the eyes with a smug smirk.

dot giggled.

"i'm sorry, but i'm not gonna use it next time." he smiled and leant up to press a kiss to tori's lips.

"whatever." she huffed and drove away as cruel summer started playing.

after only a couple minutes of driving, tori pulled into the parking lot and the group of teenagers jumped out and grabbed their belongings.

"ollie, what's in the cooler?" dot asked her best friend.

"redbulls and bendy straws for you." he teased her.

she gave him a warm smile.

"thank you!"

"did you steal them from the cafe again?" tori looked over at her boyfriend.

"nope. i got them for free." he shook his head.

tori and dot shared a look and laughed.

"so you stole them!" they both said.

"whatever. at least i got them for you."

"but you stole them!" the two girls laughed again.

"shut up! or you won't get any!" he exclaimed.

they sat all of their stuff down on the sand and laid out their towels.

dot opened the cooler and sure enough, saw a plastic bag full of bendy straws. she opened the bag and grabbed a pink one, then opened a redbull and stuck the straw in.

"get me one too?" tori asked, laying down and putting her sunglasses on.

dot handed her a drink.

"do you have the speaker?" dot asked.

"yeah, it's in my tote bag." she pointed to her bag on her side.

dot grabbed it and took the black speaker out.

turning it on and pairing it to her phone, she began playing fearless starting off with forever and always.

ollie grabbed a redbull out of the cooler and sat down next to dot.

"oh, guys. guess what i found out today?" she pulled her knees to her chest.

tori and ollie both hummed in question. tori didn't move her head but ollie looked at dot.

"drew went to italy this morning." she stated before taking another sip of her redbull.

"what?" her best friends yelled in unison.

tori shot up and lifted her sunglasses up. ollie straightened up, slamming his hands against the sand.

she only nodded and started deeply into her straw.

"did he even tell you?" tori demanded.

dot shook her head. "i called him because i thought we could hang out today and he wasn't answering my texts. it sounded like he was on the plane when i called him."

dot tried hard to act as if it wasn't bothering her but it was. she sighed. today was a day for her to have fun with her friends and not think about her boyfriend.

"how long is he gonna be gone?" ollie asked, gently.

"he said maybe the whole summer..."

"what?!" her two best friends screeched.

dot's eyes widened as the two started telling her that she should break up with him when he got back the first chance she got. how they never even really like him and always thought he was bad news.

"ok! ok! i'll think about it later. i don't want to right now. i want to have fun and forget about him." dorothea laughed, dryly and took another sip of her drink.

"fuck yeah! dot, you always have good ideas." victoria praised her best friend, giving her a high five.

dot laughed and said thank you.

"hey, johnny's here. let's go say hi." oliver announced, grabbing the girls attention as he pointed towards the familiar green eyed boy.

"let's go see him." dot suggested and started standing up.

they all stood up and began walking over to him and his friends.

lilys notes⭐️


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