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the group of friends walked into a local restaurant.

ollie, tori, dot, chris, matt, nick, johnny, and vinnie (all of them who had spent their day at the beach) had messy, frizzy hair from getting it wet.

dot, tori, and ollie's hair were even messier. wild because tori refused to drive her convertible with the top up, unless it was raining.

eva and jacob were outside the restaurant for a couple minutes, waiting for everyone to show up.

jacob lit up when he saw vinnie, dapping his friend up before walking inside.

"four months is crazy, man." jacob shook bis head as he took his seat next to eva.

they were given a long table.

ollie and tori sat at one end, across from each other. dot sat next to tori, johnny sitting across from her and chris next to him.

nick sat next to dot across from chris. matt inbetween chris and vinnie. jacob and eva set across from vinnie.

the waiter had taken their drink orders and just come back, sitting them in front of everyone, with a pile of straws.

vinnie started telling jacob about new york as dot laughed at something nick said.

tori in the middle of telling ollie about something with her mom.

she picked up her straw and tore the paper off and stuck it in her drink.

dot picked up her own straw and peeled the paper back.

she frowned when she saw it wasn't a bendy straw.

oliver saw her and looked back at tori, who was still talking.

he snapped his fingers twice and pointed at dot.

tori looked over and saw her discarded straw.

she grabbed her purse and dug through it quickly.

she pulled out a blue bendy straw and placed it on the table and patted it.

"here, babes." tori smiled as dot picked up the straw and placed it in her drink.

she smiled back and leaned her head on tori's shoulder.

tori laughed and leaned her head on hers.

the girls sat back up and continued their conversations.


they were finishing up dinner, the triplets (especially chris) had asked a lot of questions about dot, trying to get to know her better.

she happily answered all of them and created lots of conversation with chris.

they were still finishing up when tori got a phone call.

"oh, hey mom." she said, holding the phone to her ear.

"what? oh god, is she ok?" she asked, worriedly.

both dot and ollie leaned towards her, questioning looks on their faces.

she held up a finger, signaling them to hold on.

"oh! oh, ok. uh huh. why? mom! alright fine! bye." she sighed, hanging up the phone as she rolled her eyes.

"what happened? is everything ok?" ollie asked.

"what's wrong?" dot asked at the same time.

"my grandma fell!" she huffed.

concerned gasps and questions came from the table.

"oh my god, is she ok?"

"yeah, she's fine! it's like barely a bruised knee. my mom just wants an excuse for me to come home." tori stood up, grabbing her purse.

"my grandma was in the back yelling 'i'm fine! i don't even hurt! don't spoil her fun!'" tori shook her head as she stood next to ollie.

she leaned down and pressed a kiss to his lips.

"i love you. i'll text you when i get home" she said as he nodded.

she stepped back and walked over to dot.

"i love you. call you tonight." she gave her a side hug.

"i love you too, tell you're mom i said hi and you're grandma that i hope she feels better!"

tori gave her a thumbs up as she walked out.

everyone shouted and waved goodbye.

dot looked at ollie but quickly looked at chris when he got up.

her and ollie watched as he started following tori outside.

dot turned her head to watch him walk out the door before turning back around and looking at ollie.

they shared equally puzzled glances.

lilys words ⭐️

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bye bye <3

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