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the three teenagers walked over to the group of friends.

"yo, john v!" ollie yelled to get johnny's attention.

the green eyed boy turned around after hearing the familiar nickname.

as soon as oliver found out john's middle names was vincent, he started calling him john v. it reminded him of john b from outer banks.

"oh, mocha boy! what's up?" john dapped up his friend.

dot laughed at the nicknames they had given each other.

ollie worked at a local cafe and for the past year, johnny has come in every day (well almost) to order an iced mocha.

once ollie became familiar with the normal customer, they started making small talk and soon enough became friends.

johnny gave tori a fist bump and dot a hug.

john never, of course, gave tori a hug. it was his friends girlfriend after all. tori didn't seem to care.

"oh! these are my friends who i invited to stay here with me for the summer!" he smiled and gestured to the three boys behind him.

dot observed the boys. they were obviously triplets, same height, same smile, same eyes. the only thing that really made them look different was their hair.

they all introduced themselves and dot made sure to remember.

matt was the one in the middle. he had a middle part and what looked like skull earrings.

nick was the one on the left. he had a nose ring and was carrying a tote bag.

and chris. chris was on the right. he had the longest hair. and he was cuter then the other two from dot's perspective.

she finalized that nick was gay. it was easy to tell. he looked the part.

"hi! i'm victoria but you can just call me tori!" she stuck out her hand as matt shook it.

"i'm oliver." he shook all three of the boys hands.

"hi, i'm dot." she smiled and waved.

she didn't shake any of there hands. it wasn't her thing.

"is it cool if we come and chill with you guys?" johnny asked.

"sure! we have redbulls and dot got the speaker set up!" tori smiled.

the two girls turned around and started walking towards where they had sat their stuff down.

tori noticed the smallest blush appear in dot's face.

tori knew she was a lot more social than her best friend. it was obvious.

dorothea was a little more shy and quiet. not super but more than her best friends.

victoria was outgoing and loud. she wanted to be friends with anyone and everyone. it seemed everywhere she went, she'd find some stranger to talk to.

oliver was just chill. that's it. his was an LA boy and there wasn't much more to say.

"so?" tori whispered.

"what?" dot blinked.

"the three?" she asked, already knowing who she was the most attractive.

dot rolled her eyes.

"oh, come on!" tori lightly shoved her friend on the shoulder.

dot giggled before looking over her shoulder.

chris glanced up at her and smiled.

she smiled back and leaned into tori.

"chris." she whispered, looking at her friend.

"i knew it!" she beamed.

"shhh!" dot shoved tori, who pretended to fall on her towel.

"oh! i'm sorry, tori!" dot laughed, extended her hand to help her.

"it's fine!" tori grabbed the girls hand and pulled her down with her.

dot rolled over on her towel and laughed as ollie sat next to the pair.

the four boys began putting their stuff down next to the trio.

"what do you have playing in the speaker?" chris asked dorothea, sitting behind her.

"taylor swift!" she beamed and pressed play.

the song fearless started playing. chris fought the urge to roll his eyes.

he wasn't a fan of taylor swift. he thought she was basic and all the songs he had heard were annoying.

he had never actually listened to her. he never had an interest. but he couldn't help but want to give her a chance when he saw the way the girl in front of him lit up from saying her name.

she smiled and lightly sung along.

he made a mental note to check out this song later.

lilys notes ⭐️


it pained me to write that about chris but DONT WORRY IT WILL CHANGE I PROMISE


bye bye <3

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