Episode 2: Walled Garden

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LoneGhost as The Protector

the_gentle_joker as Vansilla/Vale

The TARDIS appeared in a rather desolate cold room. Judging by the architecture, they were somewhere in the future, but it wasn't designed like any spaceship. The Protector stepped out of the Police Box. "Well, Vale, we're taking a bit of a detour this time."

She observed the room carefully, jotting down notes in her diary. She found the set up of the room rather odd. It was quite similar to the sort of rooms that would be seen in any vaguely futuristic facility, but with a lack of practical or even intentional design work.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but what's that journal for?" Vansilla asked. "I've noticed you've been using that for every situation we've been in."

"Oh, just keeping track of events. You never know when it might come in handy." The Protector answered.

"Ah! I guess that could be handy at some point in the future." Vansilla replied.

"Yes, uhh, sorry by the way. I know I promised something nice, but the TARDIS picked up a stray signal, an SOS of sorts." Explained the Protector. "Yet, no one seems to be here."

"An SOS? Did it say anything?" Her companion asked.

"Just co-ordinates." The Protector informed her. "I guess we better start looking around, get to the bottom of this." She walked to the nearest door and opened it, to which a strange set of corridors were revealed to them. "Oh..." She glanced back at Vansilla. "What do you make of this?"

"Oh my gosh... I have no idea what I'm looking at." She admitted.

"Yes, this doesn't seem to have been built by any humans. Or any life forms by that matter." The Protector surmised. "Those little lines are all the floor we're getting, so tread carefully." She took a baby step forward, focusing as to not lose balance. "Follow my lead." She examined the pattern on the floor as she walked.

Vale would carefully follow in the steps of the Protector, cautiously looking at the ground to make sure she didn't trip.

Once they'd reached the next room, the Protector hopped onto the floor and spun around. "Wonderful. We've arrived in the land of nonsense." She sat down on the floor and once again began to scribble into the diary.

The Protector reported her findings to her faithful companion. "The co-ordinates suggest we're on the Earth's moon, some sort of lunar colony I'd imagine, but as you can see, this is no colony. Just metal, cold steel as far as the eye can see, a parody of architecture. There's not even any furniture."

"Actually..." Vale pondered for a moment. "Does any of this material look familiar to you? I don't even know what kind of steel material this is?"

"That's a good point." Said the Protector. "It looks more like an approximation of steel rather than the actual thing. This place seems to have been constructed off guess work and hope more than any blueprint."

"It was almost like they were rushing to get this place completed for some urgent deadline." Vale speculated.

"I wonder..." The Protector stood. "Picture this..."

The Protector - New Adventures Season 2 (2022-2023)Where stories live. Discover now