Assignment 2- Ninja Training

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Izuku PoV

its been a while since we named our Sensei "Korosensei" and it fits him, though weirdly even though were trying to kill him he has been helping me do Ninja Training, his reason was

"how could i ignore such a fiery passion of Ninja Arts!"

plus he motivated me by saying if i can master Spinjitsu he would get me for Ninja Art Books to get better at Ninja stuff and to train it he gave me mini missions from sneakily taking something like a pencil from a classmate to sneaking up to a classmate and scaring them or something

Korosensei gave me a mid-term style assignment where id sneak into the school kitchens and get some sweets to share, though i have a long way to go for that

so for now it was basic practice from Ninja martial arts to Kunai/Shuriken throwing and after a few days i can defend myself from a weak thug and throw Kunai's pretty well while I'm really good with Shuriken's

and i still suck at sneaking around but I'm getting there though during my practice Mr Karasuma saw me and helped me a bit, he even fought me to help me see where i needed to improve which was a lot...

but now I'm sitting with Korosensei about to enjoy some snow cones made with ice from the north pole however a bunch of my classmates came running over with smiles asking if they can have some too making Korosensei cry in happiness until they brought out knifes and jumped in to attack

he dodge while putting me to the side with the Anti-Sensei Knifes and in everyone's hands, were flowers we planted a while back, oh no... we put a lot of care into them... they made him re-plant new flowers its pretty funny to watch


we tied him up and are all trying to stab him with Anti-Sensei spears we made, I'm surprised that branch hasn't broke yet but i tried to throw some Anti-Sensei Shuriken's which missed and in the corner of my eye i saw Mr Karasuma walking up so i ran up to him while Kayano ran past with more bamboo 

Izuku- what are you doing here? 

Karasuma- I'll be taking over P.E starting tomorrow 

Kayano- really?! does that mean we have to call you coach? 

Karasuma- uh.. no, by the way... where is he? 

Izuku- well... Korosensei ruined our flowerbed and he wants to make up for it soo... 

as we lead him to the tree he saw the weird sight of a giant yellow humanoid Octopus flinging  about in a tree while everyone tried to stab him while some did use their Quirks which didn't help much 

Korosensei was making fun of us saying how we couldn't hit him even like this but the branch broke causing him to fall to the ground and everything was silent until everyone rushed at him while he panicked a lot which revealed a few weaknesses of him 

Korosensei Weakness 1- he messes up when he shows off. 


Korosensei Weakness 2- panics easily 

it took him a few seconds for him to escape onto the rooftop where i shot a Shuriken at him 


a single tentacle fell to the ground as everything went quiet 

it took a moment to realise i actually hit him!! 


Korosensei- HA CANT CATCH ME UP HERE! but good job with that shuriken Midoriya! Double homework for everyone else! 

Korosensei Weakness 3- sore loser 

Mimura- and he's running away... 

Kataoka- but Midoriya got a hit at least...  

Izuku- i got lucky... 

Isogai- but if we keep this up we'll kill him sooner or later!! 

Yada- oooh... what should i do with the 10 Billion i get for killing him? 

Kayano- hey Nagisa, Midoriya think we can kill him 

Izuku- yeah somehow! 

Nagisa- yeah... we'll just have to go all out! 

Some time later 


as a certain red haired boy looked at a wanted poster a government agent explained everything to him from the rules to the reward and how if they have to they would erase his memory if it  came to it

the kid seemed excited as he exclaimed how he always wanted to kill a teacher  

a day later

with Izuku

i was in my room practicing the moves for the Ninja Art I'm working on when i heard my phone buzz, opening it i saw a message from the official Edge Shot Hero Account online

he responded to my question on how to train in the ways of a Ninja! and he wanted to meet me in person to give the training routine to me! i am so glad its a Sunday! though his agency is all the way in Kyoto, maybe i can ask Korosensei for a ride there?

calling him i asked him about it and he seemed happy to do it while praising me on finding other ways to get more experience in the Ninja Arts and before i knew it i was in Kyoto and a small walk away from Edgeshot's Agency

so i walked there in excitement and before i realised it i was there and waiting to be let into his office

after a few minutes i was in his office where he greeted me in person oh this is soo cool!

Edgeshot- so you wanted to be a Ninja Hero like myself?

Izuku- YES!

Edgeshot- i see, here is a training routine you must follow, balance it with your daily life and if you make it into UA i may take you on for an Internship, but only you can do this, 

Izuku- i will! I'll master Spinjitsu to show you my power!

Edgeshot- i see, well then i look forward to it

as i left the office and waited for Korosensei to take me home i started to read the training routine

No PoV

EdgeShot's office

Edgeshot- Spinjitsu huh? is that even possible? i swear it was lost during the Rise of Quirks, wonder if he can do it

Character file!

Nagisa Shiota!

Seat- E-11

Birthday- July 20

Height- 5"3

Weight- 48kg (106 lbs)

Quirk- wavelength- allows user to see wavelengths of a persons mind

Favourite Subject- English

Least Favourite Subject- Science

Hobby/Skill- Research!

Future Goal- None

Personality type- Herbivore

If he gets the 10 Billion- Find a Way to grow Taller

To Be Continued

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