Assignment 13- Takaoka

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it was time for Takaoka's first lesson teaching E-Class but annoyingly Izuku could avoid him as Karasuma said he couldn't keep him away as he needed to hand out a new schedule to everyone but that after this he would still be able to do his separate Training and as Takaoka handed out everyone's new schedules things were not accepted very well

instantly the teacher was met with opposition about this absurd schedule was normal for the first half of each day but after lunch it was straight training until 9pm something that obviously is not made for students like E-Class and Maehara quickly objected to this saying how it's unreasonable and they have to also study for exams and such but Takaoka didn't like this as he went in to attack

he easily kneed Maehara hard enough to make him fall to his knees in pain before speaking coldly

Takaoka- there's no such thing as can't, there's only will... I told you didnt i? we're a family and I'm your daddy and kings do as daddy says!

the guy was emitting an Aura of fear due to his Quirk which was literally fear emission and he quickly ordered everyone to start things off with 300 Squats and quickly most followed the order out of fear while Midoriya was frozen, despite his role as Chiyome he hadn't encountered a Quick similar to Takaoka

he quickly took notice of this and punched Midoriya in the face extremely hard sending him flying back as a few students quickly rushed to his aid unaware about the spectators inside the classroom and needless to say one person did not take this lightly

Takaoka- i couldn't care less if this one has a different type of training, everyone will be joining in on mine, but if you really want then i can replace you but if you really want to then you're free to fight me about it! Daddy is really good at brawling you know!

Karasuma- Stop it Takaoka! Midoriya are you okay? out cold...

quickly Karasuma picked up the unconscious Ninja before checking on Maehara who said he would live

Takaoka- oh calm down Karasuma i was going easy on them!

suddenly a red faced Korosensei appeared and he placed a tentacle on the mad mans shoulder before claiming they were his students and they were not to be treated this way but the madman didn't care one bit

Takaoka- heh so you got a problem with that monster? As their new P.E Teacher I have full authority of their Physical Education and my punishment is well within acceptable punishments! After all, I want to be entrusted with training the soldiers who will kill you and I can't go easy on them given the short time frame! So what are you going to do about it! Will you attack another teacher who hasn't done anything to you just because we have different views?

reluctantly nobody could do anything and Karasuma did the only thing he could, take Midoriya away from the madman while letting him take over for now but when he took the unconscious Ninja inside so he could at least recover though when Ritsu saw this he got major terminator vibes from her and despite that movie being a few hundred years old it didn't mean Karasuma had bad taste in movies, if anything he was a bit of a connoisseur of Pre-Quirk Movies so he knew a thing or two

after a small while

Karasuma was next to his fellow teachers who were not cruel as they watched the horrible lesson go on yet as much as they wanted to intervene they couldn't

Korosensei- at this rate he's going to wear them out in no time and even as a Super Quirked being it would be easy to crush him but he is annoyingly right about it not bring in my purview, personally i think he's wrong but he's entitled to his views on teaching thats why i want you as a fellow P.E teacher Kararuma to be the one to Reject him

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