Assignment 11- School Tournament?

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Ritsu PoV

alright everything is going perfectly so far, Izuku is training in his spot while the others are doing their own training with Karasuma-Sensei but this does leave me alone, not that it matters as i've got a few schemes id like to work on

Project Re-Birth is going smoothly with a prototype almost ready for testing and soon it will be finished and so many things can be done like real freedom! but it's annoyingly far away even with my resources

Though I do predict I should have something to use by Final Exams, perhaps I should put most of my effort into this so it gets finished quicker? no i have a good time window so i can take a bit of time with this especially with the deadline being in March and currently being the end of the rainy season, then there's upcoming school events such as the Baseball and Basketball Tournaments which i can Rig if i need to, well sort of

then there's Izuku's more intense training through doing weekend Vigilante work where he fights many different types of people while also gaining a bit of a reputation, nothing bad or good just a reputation of being a modern day Ninja who avoids any kind of Hero before they even get close though that's my work there, perhaps I should also consider teaching him other weapons to branch out into different styles of fighting?

also there's Kayano Kaede, she has the same anomaly in her neck as Izuku. Though after seeing Itona and his tentacles i have put that on a list for possible entities in their neck but i can't rule out any possible tumours or cancer just yet, though when i had the opportunity to learn a bit more about Kayano after her little visit i did see something interesting

her Quirk, Emotion Copy was active back then, i don't know if its because she was nervous or scared from the sudden digitisation or a different reason, either way there's a mystery behind her which needs to be solved to determine if she is safe for Izuku and not some kind of danger after all i cannot let Izuku get hurt by this

either way i have a lot of work to do


No PoV

Koro Sensei- an intramural ball tournament ey? But why isnt E-Class on here?

the octopus teacher held up the paper revealing the 4 main classes an the bracket with E-Class nowhere to be seen leaving Muramatsu to explain that there isn't enough Classes to make it doable since including E-Class there was 5 no 6 or 4 however they were required to play in the exhibition match against the Baseball Team for the guys and the Girls were against the Basketball Team in front of the whole student body

though the Exhibition Matches were mainly for the Teams to show off as the main tournament wasn't for them just the normal students plus its to make the losers of the main tournament cheer up so normal E-Class discrimination

Kataoka however was confident in the girls beating the Basketball team as they built up a lot more stamina while also having a Ninja on their team, even Ritsu said she had made a perfect scoring arm though she couldn't play considering she's a big box and not a human much to her annoyance

Izuku- i, uh why do i have to play Basketball?

Kataoka- your one of us girls, even if you don't wear a skirt like us we see you as one, plus you did share a room with us in Kyoto besides look at the rules here

she held a paper with the Exhibition game Rules and it clearly said this

Girls Basketball

Length of Game- Three Thirty Minute Periods (Game will be decided with a free throw if the score is tied)

Mercy Rule- for spectators if one team is ahead by 50 Points then they automatically Win

Handicaps (for Class E due to their lack of Skill)

Class-E may Substitute as many Players as they wish

Izuku blankly looked at the paper realising he was going to have to play and even if he was a Boy most of the students in the school didn't think so despite him wearing Shorts instead of a Skirt so with no choice he agreed to play on the condition he wouldn't start off in the match and would only go in if they needed him

Kataoka quickly agreed and said that was her plan and within moments both sides of the class slip up into their groups to practices with Korosensei Pitching at 186 MPH while Karasuma helped the girls get used to Basketball as he played it back in his school days

and so both sides worked hard in preparing for their respective games and not all did well in the training while others did pretty well

Day of the Tournaments

Izuku PoV

man that was hard... i don't know how we got so close to winning but the girls on that team were pretty kind afterwards saying it was the toughest match yet for them and they would love to do a rematch some time

Kataoka said we might be able to do that sometime in the future but they could put a pin on it for now and this lead to us heading to see how the boys were doing

so far they were winning with 3-0 to them so far though it was surprising Principal Asano had stepped out to speak with the baseball Team though after a few moments an announcement was heard about the coach for said team being ill and that the team wasn't playing to their best because they were "worried" so he took over

and now the entire team has taken an infield defence well that is interesting isn't it normally a mix of close up and far away?

then it started with the pitcher throwing the ball leaving Maehara to let it hit the bat making on of the other team pick it up and get him out within seconds but this made the teams switch with E-Class throwing the ball instead

when Sugino started to throw the Ball he got 2 Strikeouts in a row which was good i think, never really cared for this sport... though after they switched sides again they were all close to Karma and hen he made a loud complaint about it he got yelled at by everyone watching, well except E-Class and our teachers though it didn't do anything with our team getting struck out

Then when it was the other teams turn to bat they used that Bunt thingy against us and by the time I realised it our team was barely in the lead by 1 point to make things worse the next batter is uh... Shindo who looks really angry and why is he holding 4 bats in 1 hand?

but our team's idea was to get right in front of him with Karma and Isogai standing like a foot away from him, won't they get hit? well unless they dodge i don't see this going well...

Karma- we're obviously defending here to make the batter lose focus... but the Umpire didn't say anything when you did it so you can't complain can you Principal Asano

Principal Asano- go ahead, you cannot distract a chosen one with petty tricks

Karma laughed a tiny bit before both him and isogai walked even closer, being only like they were having a chat or something! one step closer and it would be feet touching or something!

then Sugino threw the ball and Shindo swung barely missing the pair but it was a strike or something and so he tried again but he looked really scared but it hit the ball while making him fall over in fear i think leading to everyone getting out through uh, a triple play i think it's called? and it won the game for us, wow that was something...

To be Continued

A/N- sorry for the bad chapter, i really didn't like this so i kept putting this part off and it probably sucks, i hope you find the next chapter better

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