Assignment 16- waterworks?

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heads up this chapter is where my writing style changes, i wanted to improve it so here it is also sorry for being pretty much dead, lost passion for writing but im getting it back slowly- Tari

Izuku PoV

it's been 2 days since i moved in with Kayano and it still feels funny, though i haven't been out as Chiyome yet, Ritsu said its best to settle in first and i agree, i wanna make sure this place feels more like home before fighting villains as the Ninja Vigilante

though i wonder how strong i've become so far? i mean i know i can kick serious butt when i'm all warmed up and stuff though how good am i against the higher ranked Heroes? since they might come after me soon, especially after mom saved me...

no i shouldn't think about it, for now let's keep training and master Spinjitzu! if i can even pull it off...

"hey we're gonna be late!" yelled Kayano making me quickly jump up and grab my bag before running outside to walk with her

though i needed to lock the door.. and grab my Kotachi for training...

"One moment I forgot to lock up and grab my Kotachi..." I said with a depressing voice...

"hehe go grab it before we're late and ill help with your training" cheerfully said Kayano without a care in the world forgetting the amount of training i do but i'll hold her up for that!


When we arrived at the old building we settled in for the day and it was seriously hot in here, like way worse than before... How did it take so long for me to notice?

Plus I think everyone else was feeling it... I can hear Mimura complaining about how hot it is and Korosensei is melting from the heat, heh maybe i can use this heat for an advantage? nah it's too difficult and i havent even started to learn the Fire Arts since the Water Arts have not been mastered yet

"pull yourself together! of course it's hot, it's Summer!" sluggishly said Korosensei while using a pointer stick instead of his tentacles

"you live in a country with a temperate humid climate, actually i myself am going to escape to the north pole after this" said Korosensei in that sluggish voice

That's not fair! if only i knew the Ice Arts, maybe i should learn that next since it might work better with it reaching autumn in a few months...

"but at least we get to start using the pool today! I can't wait for P.E!" happily exclaimed Kurahashi, making me realise I forgot to bring that... uh oh...

"nah, its another form of torture for E-Class, because the pool is at the main building we gotta walk half a mile down to use it and walk back up, to make it worse the heat today isnt gonna let up, thats why its called the E-class Pool death march, and walking up again leaves us all tired and sweaty so whats the point?" said Kimura with a low voice

"hey Korosensei can you carry us down to the pool please" tiredly said Maehara to only get answered with a good reason

"okay.. if you insist... is what i'd like to say but you can't rely on my speed for everything, there's even things i can do with my speed!" said Korosensei with a slightly serious voice

"But I can understand how you feel, so Everyone change into your swimwear and follow me!" cheerfully yelled Korosensei leaving basically everyone to leave the class so quickly turning to Ritsu

"hey Ri-" i was cut off but Ritsu and she suddenly made and pulled out a swimsuit which was nearly identical to the girls with a slight colour difference

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