Assignment 14- Chiyome's encounter

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Izuku PoV

it's been a few days since Takaoka and Kayano pulling of Spinjitzu which was super cool though it led to Kayano joining me for Training instead of the rest of the class though she was catching up fairly well since Karasuma-Sensei already taught her a few things which are similar to Ninja basics so she could fight with a Kunai pretty well since it was similar to a knife

Although her movement skills weren't that good so we're focusing on that plus I still can't do Spinjitzu just yet but I'm much ahead in the other parts like Water Arts and movement so I have that skill!

anyways ignoring that its the weekend and time for my Chiyome night! and i'm hoping to fight more people tonight! and hopefully not forget anything... that weirdly happens a lot either way it's good training so i don't mind forgetting a few things if it helps me become a better Ninja and maybe i can pull off Spinjitzu tonight?

welp there's only one way to find out! so after i changed into the outfit and made sure mom was completely asleep i ran off into the city making sure to never be seen as a true Ninja is never spotted unless they want to be! though there's something fun about jumping from building to building in the night sky sucks i can't see any stars since we have stupid light pollution

oh wait there's my first opponent! a simple mugger

so jumping down from the rooftop i landed right on the guy making his head slam into the ground knocking the guy out, wow that was quick... better check the victim

Chiyome- are you okay?

Mugged Girl- yeah, can't believe you fell for it

the girls hood fell to the ground revealing the Rabbit Hero Mirko who swiftly attacked making me jump back into a wall before she kicked again


Mirko- wouldn't move if i were you ninja, unless you want more than that

she was talking about the fact she kicked a hole in the wall literally next to my head, wow that is a strong leg...

Ritsu- let her take your headband, i placed a surprise in it

slowly i lifted my hands to my headband before they were grabbed and pushed against the wall.... i need an adult

Mirko- oh no, you're not going to do anything, I've looked into ya and there's no way I'm letting you touch yourself, that sounded wrong... i'm not going to let you get the chance to grab some ninja gadget

Ritsu- quick kick now!

following Ritsu's commands i kicked her right in the crotch making her fall back in pain so i took the chance to run, god i got lucky to get away from her

Ritsu- don't stop, she's recovered and is looking for you!

next thing i know i heard a loud yell with Mirko screaming about how shes going to do that to me when she catches me... i now feel the urge to stay as far away as possible so i ran as far away in the little time i had

Ritsu- im tracking her now through cameras and she's still following you, duck into that alley and hide! There's more Heroes ahead!

following her advice i shot into the alley and hid under a convenient dumpster before staying still and quiet

somehow i heard the Rabbit Hero shoot overhead before it got quiet again

???- impressive, you outran and hid from her

Ritsu- Run now!

instantly i ran out of my hiding spot and shot up the sides of the buildings avoiding whatever it was that Ritsu saw, and whoever i heard just then but a sudden shot of white fabric went past my head and shot back somehow missing me

but before i realised it i was at a dead end with no other building to jump to, annoyed i looked back to see a figure dressed in mostly black while wearing a white scarf and yellow goggles, definitely an Underground Hero, i don't know who though....

???- So you're that Chiyome huh? no matter lets get you to the station

carefully i pull out my Kodachi and a Shuriken knowing i'm not going to avoid this fight, so whispering i asked Ristu for any kind of information she had on him but she had nothing right now and said if i could hold him off she can dig something up

okay then, let's do this and Ninja Training don't let me down!

Chiyome- sorry... Water Arts, Dance of the Flowing River!

performing the art i danced my way towards the hero with a clear intention of just scaring him off which wasn't working as he expertly dodged each attack with ease before countering with his own attack using that tricky scarf of his thought i dodged it easily! since its way slower than Ritsu's training targets

but now i gotta keep my guard up, no clue on what this guy can do, though if its some kinda Quirk Nullification then its useless since well i learned Water Arts without any kind of Quirk

Ritsu- Blackout is ready, all lights and most electronics will be shut down so get ready to run, also smoke bombs are in your pockets

oh yeah that's helpful

grabbing the item i got ready to throw it but before i could get the chance the hero caught me rm with his scarf while speaking with an annoyed voice

Hero- how annoying, now i see why your hard to catch

Ritsu- blackout-

Suddenly I was shoved down by someone and I felt the restraining scarf loosen, what?

Looking towards my side I saw someone standing between me and the Hero, wait they look familiar

They weren't that tall, maybe around my height or smaller and they wore simple clothes a middle aged woman would wear while having long.... Green.... hair

No it can't be....

Smaller woman- I should have stopped you before it came to this, who knew I'd be doing this again....

Suddenly light surrounded us as a helicopter hovered above us shining a strong light down and that's when I saw it

Mom was standing between us with a green aura surrounding her, but why?

Why did she come here? She can't fight! So why is she here?!

Mom- run, run and don't look back! It's not your time!

Ritsu- run! She's giving you a chance! She'll be fine! Run Izuku!

I don't want to! I need to stop her! Mom doesn't need to save me! I should be caught, not her!

Standing up I ran to her side but before I could get next to her a green aura surrounded us and she turned to me before smiling

Mom- you really think I didn't know what you were doing, go and stay safe!

Without wasting a second I was sent flying away into the darkness as the city was engulfed in well darkness before chaos started to breakout with villains going crazy with the lack of electricity

Ritsu- Blackout succeeded, im sorry Izuku, I didn't k is your mom was going to do that, I didn't even realise she was following you

I didn't say anything, I just kept flying towards the ground ready to save myself a lot of pain and explaining but why? Why would she let herself be arrested in my place it, it was too random

And how did she know where I was? I... I need answers....

To be continued

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