Untitled Part 9

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 I walked in to find the entire Riley family sitting in the common room.

Paddy came to me.

"Is everything all right, Kylie?" I nodded.

"Oh good, you are back. I will have something to eat now." Paddy turned on his grandfather. "I just offered you something and you were not hungry."

"Well the vampire is here. She can make us something to eat."

"Kylie is not your servant. She is my wife and part of this family." Paddy was very upset. This caused Quinn to shift and come and protect me.

"It is okay Quinn. It is your great grandfather being himself." I signed to Paddy. 'Do they understand our signing?'



I walked into the kitchen. Paddy followed, Quinn stood at the doorway making sure no one else went in.

"You are not going to make them anything are you?" Paddy whispered.

"No but the rest of the family is hungry. Right?"

"Yes but..."

I kissed him gently on the lips. He smiled.

"What are you up to Kylie Riley?" He smiled mischievously.

"If I understand correctly. They do not," I tilted my head towards the common room, "know too much about vampires."

"That is right."

"So I am going to be a vampire." He looked a little confused.

"Go get your visiting done." He frowned. I kissed him again. He smiled.

"I would rather stay here with you."

"I would like nothing better."

I shooed him away. Quinn was calm enough to shift back. They both went back to hear about the Senior Rileys travels.

I was not paying any attention to the stories. I was busy preparing a meal for my family.

I made biscuits, chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy and a large vegetable salad and for dessert I already had some pies made.

I called my family to their dinner by name. "Paddy, Cassie, Quinn, Cory, Gen, Colleen and Shaun. Your meal is ready."

They came to the table. Followed by the Senior Rileys.

I looked at them. "Did I call you?"

"You forgot." Crispin Riley said smiling.

"No Mr. Riley, I did not forget. If you are not invited to a vampire's table then you are not to eat. Oh, and another thing vampires do not forget."

I noticed a slight nod from Shaun. "Also anyone who thinks, they can eat at my table without being invited. By all means, I would like to see them try."

Crispin and Marisa just stared at each other. They returned to their seats in the common room. "Have you ever heard of that?" Crispin asked his wife. "No dear but how often have we eaten at a vampire's table?"

"Never." They said together. "And it looks like we are not going to." Crispin said.

Shaun was smiling. He took my hand and kissed it. He signed. 'Good Job.'

Everyone giggled. They enjoyed their meal. We all stayed at the table discussing where we should concentrate on our next patrols.

"Momma, can I come with you on your next patrol?" I glanced at Paddy. He nodded. "I do not see why not Quinn."

"Yee Haw. I get to go with you." Everyone laughed.

Then they stared at their empty plates.

They all signed. 'Do you need help cleaning up?' I shook my head and gathered up all the dishes and put them in the washtub.

They were a little reluctant to go back to their guests now.

I had everything washed and put away before they sat back down in the common room.

"Are you tired Mother?" Marisa had yawned. "Just a little, Son."

"Come, I will show you where you will be sleeping." Shaun left with his parents.

"Papa, where are they going?"

"Grandpa is bringing them to one of the boarding houses. They never sleep in the cavern. Their words 'we may shift into animals but we do not have to live like them.' so Cassie they will not be down here to sleep."

Colleen looked at me with a slight smile. "I never heard of that Kylie?"

"What is that, Colleen?"

"That you can not eat at a vampire's table unless you are invited."

"I made it up besides how many vampires do you know that have a table?" She looked at me and held up one finger. "Exactly, who says it is not true." They all laughed.

Shaun returned.

"Kylie how did you know they would believe you?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I did not know for sure but after listening to them for a short time. They did not know anything about other creatures just shifters. I tried it I think it worked."

"I will say. They started complimenting on how nice it was down here and how friendly everyone was. I think they went from one extreme to the other." Colleen looked shocked.

"They said it looked nice." She got up to leave. "Where are you going?"

"I am going to see if they have a fever." Shaun laughed so did everyone else. "Love, we will see how long it lasts."

It lasted until they came back down after their sleep cycle.

Shaun kept us busy with patrols so we did not have to be around his parents. I was practicing in the training square with Athos, Julian, Scott and Quinn.

The Senior Rileys stood at the edge of the square, watching.

Scott and I were in an intense practice. Athos and Julian were watching our techniques to see if we need any improvement anywhere.

"Kylie. Execute. Now."

I tripped Scott. He landed on his back. I had my sword at his neck. Scott was laughing.

"You know Scott if I was a real opponent you would not be laughing."

"I know Kylie but you look so serious. It was funny."

"I look funny now, do I?" I pushed my sword a little harder into his neck. He stopped laughing. "You are absolutely beautiful, Kylie."

Athos and Julia were laughing now.

"Is that how you win people over Kylie? You shove a sword in their throats." Julian said laughing. "It depends on their attitude."

"Well Yes. Quinn, are you ready to fight with your mother?" Quinn had a huge grin. "Yes Uncle Athos."

"All right, let me see your sword." Quinn showed him his sword. "This is your father's sword."


"You can not use it when you are practising with your mother." Quinn smile drop off of his face. "Why Uncle Athos?"

"If you hurt your mother. It will cause her to bleed a lot."

"I do not want that."

"Good boy, go chose one of the swords in the rack." Quinn was back a few minutes later. "That is better now. Take your stand. Protect."

"Excuse me, Athos." Crispin said from the edge of the square. Athos turned to him. "Yes Mr. Riley."

"Why did Quinn have to change swords when he is using the same type?" Athos glanced at me. I nodded that it was all right to tell him. "Paddy's sword is polished with silver which can be deadly for Kylie."

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