Untitled Part 32

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You no longer have a right to an explanation of my actions."

"Very well Mathew." Councilman Klaus turned to the vampires and the werewolves gathered.

"You have heard his admission of guilt and his refusal to explain himself. His penalty is death. How do you wish to destroy this...vampire?" The Councilman waited.

"Well? Does no one want to tell me?"

"Oh? You really want us to tell you?" Wally answered.

"Of course I do or I would not have asked."

"I do not know freeze him I guess." Wally said.

"Boil his blood." Said another.

"Burn him." From the back.

"Bite him." I saw a finger pointed at me.

"Drain his blood." The suggestions kept coming.

"Let the werewolves have him."

"Yay let the werewolves have him. Good idea." Everyone seemed to like the idea except Mathew, of course.

"Anything but that Klaus. Anything." Vincent growled. "Councilman Klaus to you."

"I think the majority rules Mathew."

"No Klaus. You can not. You know how I feel about werewolves. They killed my family. Klaus I beg you."

"No explanation, no mercy. None of these werewolves were responsible for the destruction of your family Mathew. Athos and Julian took care of them three hundred years ago."

Mathew was so upset. He was stuttering. "You, you cccann'tt do thththis. Pleeasse. Kl..." Vincent growled. "Councilman Klaus."

The Councilman turned to the audience.

"Jules, Benjamin, Serina, Tessa, Gillian, Anna, Dennis, Philip, James and Kylie. Please come and join us." Paddy signed to me. "Why you?" I shrugged my shoulders slightly. I saw the look our children gave their father. They were very confused.

Shaun told them to be patient.

We were all waiting on the platform.

"Now I am sure some of you are a little confused as to why I called you Kylie when you all know she is a vampire. I will explain later." The Councilman smiled showing all his teeth.

"All right Mathew. You have two options on how we will destroy you."

"Two. I see more than that. Kl... Councilman Klaus." Vincent made another low growl.

"Vincent where were you five hundred years ago. If I knew it was this easy to teach him how to behave. I obviously used the wrong approach."

"No there is only two. Kylie please." The Councilman held his hand out to me. I walked to him and stood beside him.

"You see Mathew. Kylie has a very special gift. She is option two." He looked at Mathew. "So what is it Mathew? Option One: Being torn apart by werewolves." The Councilman pointed to the ten werewolves. "Or option two. The uncertainty of what Kylie can do to you."

Mathew looked back and forth from me to the werewolves and back again. If he could sweat I am sure he would be totally drenched.

"Your choice or I chose for you?"

The Councilman held up his hand and counted out with his fingers: One, one finger went up, two another one went up and so on until he had his entire had opened.

"My choice."

"No I will choose please Sir. I will take the werewolves. I know what they can do. I do not know what a vampire can do that is so deadly."

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