Untitled Part 23

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 They were a fun group to have around some of their strategy games impressed Shaun and Paddy. They have helped improve the security at the cavern with an occasionally raid. Just to find a weakness in our defences.

We have also gone on a few hunting trips with them. They were quite impressed on how Cassie, Quinn and I take down our prey. They tried it and enjoyed the experience. They also found that they were not so aggressive when they fed from calm animals.

"The next time we decide to use weapons in our game. We will inform you. I do not think being out in the elements for any length of time is good." Roger said.

"It would not be good if some mortal found you, now would it?" I said.

"That is right. It would be considered making a spectacle of ourselves. I never thought of that. Oops." Roger confessed.

We laughed.

"How about you come to the cave and do some training in the square. It might help you in some areas." Paddy told them.

"You have a point there Paddy. We will just go and feed then come by." Michael told Paddy.

"All right. We will see you later."

Before we left them. They went into their cottage and changed their clothes. Peter came out first.

"Hey Vincent will I be able to train with you?"

"Certainly Peter. I need a change of sparing partners anyway. I am too familiar with my training partners' techniques."

We finished our patrol and headed back home.

I made Paddy and the children something to eat.

After our meal. I went to update my genealogy chart. Pete Henry and two of his sons were killed in a gunpowder explosion in Surrey. Gen has been very quiet since we heard the news.

The Westminster group showed up around midnight. All full and happy. Roger and Michael were debating their duel with the stakes. They were trying to figure out who was the last one staked.

"Are they still at it?" Vincent asked Rachelle.

"Yes they have not stopped since we left to hunt." She answered. There was a large crowd in the training square when the group arrived.

"Look Michael more opponents."

The crowd in the square answered with "Fresh kill."

Everyone laughed. They were all excellent fighters.

For the next twenty-four hours. They fought with swords, knives and hand to hand. The only ones sweating were the werewolves and shapeshifters. When they finally ended their training session. Shaun invited them for a swim.

They had never been down to our swimming pool. They quite enjoyed it.

Shaun and Paddy walked them out the beach exit after.

"It was fun Shaun. We must do it again."

Roger was quite pleased with himself. He was able to win against most of the Guard. Michael was a close second.

"Yes we will anytime but not during the gathering. Is that understood?"

"Perfectly Shaun." They all nodded. "Good we will be having some guests before the gathering. Please come and ask if it is all right to train first. The Council may have other plans for the training square while our guests are here."

"All right Shaun. That is not a problem."

"Thank you Roger and all of you for giving my Guardsmen a workout." He indicated the rest of the group.

"All right my fellow night creatures. Let us head for home." Michael said to the coven.

I noticed during the training session. Shaun did not let any of the women fight against the group.

Paddy came up behind me and kissed my neck. "Ready for a swim?" I nodded.

We went back to our quarters.

I swam around in a fast circle. It helped relax his muscles. He was floating after thirty minutes.

"That is one thing I am glad I showed you."

"Oh? Is there something you have shown me that you not glad of?" I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. He laughed. "No I am always glad I have shown you things." He kissed me very passionately, "and I am very glad you have shown me things." He said a little breathless.

"Oh like what?" I smiled. "Like this." He proceeded to show me.

Our evening meal was extremely late.

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