Untitled Part 55

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 "Rough crossing Samuel?"

"Yes Paddy. They were hit with many storms."

"They did not eat much?" Paddy nodded towards the group. "No." Samuel said.

Jules and Benjamin were helping with the cooking. They waved to us from their positions near the stoves.

Katey served Paddy and Samuel a large plate of meat and potatoes.

"It looks delicious Katey."

"Thank you Paddy." I sat and watched them eat. I noticed some of the group were waiting politely for Samuel to finish eating. After a few minutes Samuel noticed them. He went to get up but I stopped him. "Samuel finish eating. I will bring the first group."

"Oh thank you Kylie. Are you sure? You do not mind?"

"It is fine. Stay and eat."

There was five werewolves waiting. I took them to the library.

"Ah our first group. Welcome, come in." Councilman Klaus told them. One stood in front of each of the Council members. They told them their names, how long they had been werewolves and who was bringing them.

I heard Samuel, Annabelle, Juan, Roger and Alashua's names being given as the persons bringing them in to be registered.

None of these werewolves were part of Wilbert's family. These were friends of the family.

They all had happy smiles on their faces when I brought them back to Samuel. He was ready to take the next group.

"Thank you Kylie." He kissed my cheek. "You are welcome Samuel." He blushed.

He left with the group. Paddy took my hand. "Let us go to our place." I smiled.

We walked into our quarters. No one was there. We went for a swim. We were floating in our pool.

"Samuel was telling me that everyone of his family had sent someone to be registered."

"That would explain why I heard so many different names. They are all friends of theirs?"

"Yes. They are." He nodded.

"Wilbert has been around for a long time. He probably knows more werewolves than any vampire we know."

"Something tells me he might be sending more werewolves in the near future."

He swam over to me and held me. "Cassie will be happy. She will be able to see Samuel more often."

"Yes I think he enjoys coming here."

"You are right. He does." He kissed my forehead.

"Especially to see his friend." I kissed Paddy. He blushed.


"Nothing like a first impression." He gave me a strange look. "He has been fascinated with you since we first met him. You both share the same capabilities." Another strange look. "You both can change your appearance." Paddy laughed. "For a second there I thought it was something else."

"Oh? Like what?" I smiled.

"I never know what that nose of yours can pick up." He kissed my nose.

"This is true." I dove under the water. He followed I surfaced. He popped up beside me.

"What would you like for your evening meal?" I was suddenly embraced. I found out what he wanted.

Later I was in the kitchen preparing his meal. Our children came in.

"Hello Mama, Papa." Cassie kissed both of us. I took a quick glance at her. "Hey how was your patrol anything happen?" She grabbed a carrot from the bowl. "No." I glanced at Paddy and signed. 'Eyes.' He looked at Cassie. Her eyes were navy blue. He nodded to me.

"Hello Papa. Where did all the extra werewolves come from?" Quinn asked.

"They are part of the assignment for Wilbert's family."

"I guess Cassie and I have to find a mixed blood each?"

"Yes you do." Quinn came over to me to see what I was cooking. "Mm...smells good, Mama."

"Good. I hope it tastes as good as it smells."

"It always tastes good. Not to worry." He kissed my cheek. I looked him in the eye his eyes flashed black then brilliant blue.

He went to sit beside Cassie. They both had their backs to me. I signed to Paddy what had just happened to Quinn's eyes.

He nodded. Soon.

The rest of the family arrived for their meal. "Hello everyone." Cory said as he came in. He kissed my cheek and Cassie's. He patted Paddy and Quinn on the back. He had a big smile on his face.

I looked at Colleen. She was just grinning. Paddy and I looked at each other. I shrugged my shoulders. I served them their food.

I fed Melissa her food. She helped with the two fisted method. Everyone was unusually quiet.

"Kylie where did you find the furniture for the boarding houses?" Cory asked me.

"Anna sent them from Europe. Why?"

"I am going to need enough for a small living quarters. I would say enough for two people."

"Two people Cory?" I looked at him curiously.

"Yes Annabelle has agreed to live in London with me."

"Really that is wonderful Cory." He was just grinning. We all congratulated him.

"She is going home with the group then coming back with her belongings. I have a few months to get my new quarters ready."

"They grow up so fast." Colleen said.

"Yes they do." Colleen glanced at me. I quickly pointed to Cassie and Quinn. She nodded.

We finished our meal in a gleeful mood.

Samuel was at the door.

"Hello Samuel. You just missed dinner. Can I get you anything?" I asked him as we walked into the kitchen. "No Kylie. I just had something at Katey's kitchen."

"Ah...you are full then?"

"Yes Kylie. I am." He patted his stomach. "I came by to see if Cassie would like to go for a walk?"

Cassie smiled shyly. "I would love to."

"See you later." They left.

Everyone just stared at the closed door. Paddy cleared his throat. "Yes Samuel and Cassie like to spend time together."

"How long has this been going on?" Cory asked.

"Since...About the same time as you and Annabelle have been seeing each other." Paddy told him.

"Oh really? I had not noticed." Cory said.

"I guess not. You were busy yourself." Paddy teased his brother. Cory blushed then shrugged his shoulders.

I poured them their tea.

"Now I get to disturb you when you are with your Lady." Paddy teased.

"I have not disturbed you lately." Cory turned red.

"No. Not in the last few years."

They was a very loud knock on the door. Paddy went to answer it.

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