Untitled Part 10

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 "Silver? Vampires do not have a problem with silver."

"Normally they do not but with Kylie it is different."

That is when Vincent walked on to the training square. "That is because I attacked Kylie before Athos turned her into a vampire."

"You?" They were truly confused.

"I am a werewolf. Kylie has werewolf venom in her so silver will hurt her."

Quinn was breathing heavy. I knelt down to eye level to him. "It is all right, Quinn. It was a long time ago. They did not mean to hurt me." He started to calm down. "I do not like it when someone hurts you."

"I know Quinn."

"I did that." He cried.

"What did you do, Love?"

"I hurt you bad Momma. I remember I am so sorry, Momma." He was crying.

"Quinn. It is all right. You did not know how to control your shifting. It is all right, Quinn I love you. It does not matter. I am all right." I hugged him. "But you were asleep for such a long time."

"Yes Quinn, I know but your Papa's blood and the rest of your family's blood puts me to sleep. They all helped to heal me."

"All because of me. You would have died, Momma." He started to cry again. "Oh! Quinn." I held him and rocked him gently.

"Kylie, why is Quinn so upset?" Crispin asked me.

"He is remembering his birth. It was quite violent."

"Violent? How?" Marisa was curious now.

"Quinn shifted into a panther while I was birthing him. I was torn apart. Colleen and the rest of my family put me back together."

"Any woman who is a shifter would not have survived that kind of birthing."

"I know Colleen told me."

"By the Gods, you were damn lucky. My sister died that way. It is one of the few ways we can die."

I did not know how to answer that so I just nodded. Quinn had stopped crying. He was a little embarrassed for crying in front of everyone but they all understood him being only six months old.

Athos put his hand on Quinn's shoulder.

"Are you ready now Quinn?"

"Yes Uncle Athos."

"Good Lad." Athos and Quinn spared for awhile.

"Kylie." I looked at Vincent. "We have not trained together for awhile."

"It has been awhile, has it not?"

The Senior Rileys were still watching the training going on.

"Are you up to training with me Kylie?"

"Not right now Vincent. I do not want Quinn to lose his concentration."

"I understand perhaps another time." I nodded.

Vincent went to train with Julian. I looked around the Senior Rileys were gone.

"All right Quinn that was very good for your first time. I will see you tomorrow. I have to go on patrol shortly." They bowed to each other.

"Thank you Uncle Athos."

"You are very welcome Quinn."

Quinn put the sword back in the sword back into the rack and picked up Paddy's sword. We headed back to our quarters.

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