Go out?

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Jisoo POV

I was signing some files when Kelly knocked. Come in i said . Mam you have a meeting with Ms Lee at 1pm said Kelly . Okay i said. She left my office. knock knock come in i said. Mam was the deal successful Yeji said professionally. Oh Ms Yeji come sit . She sat down. The deal successfully passed i said . Thank you for accepting my idea said Yeji . You are good at your job i said . Thank you mam she said .

~~skip time to 2:27~~

I was just back from the meeting with Miss Lee . I was working on my laptop  when i got a message from unknown

Are you free

Who is this?


I don't believe you and how did you get my number.

We kissed

Yah how many times i have to tell you stop saying those unholy words

But you said you don't believe me

What do you want

Are you free i want to discuss about the new movie i am making.

Okay i will come in your office at 3pm

Meet me in xxxx mall

Why mall

Do you want to discuss or not

Fine i will be there

*End of chatting*

*End of chatting*

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At the xxxx mall

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At the xxxx mall


Taehyung POV

I was waiting for her when a angelic voice called me. Why are we in a mall . Well it's fun so come i said . Where Do you want to go first i said. Let's go to the arcade i know we are here for business but please can we go to the arcade she said while giving a cute smile. I thought she will go shopping at Gucci or smth but okay i thought.

Okay let's go i said . We were in arcade playing air hockey 3-3 . One more and i will beat you she said . Let's see i Said while smirking. We played atleast 40 games. I won 30 of them just saying.I am hungry i said . Let's go eat then she said .

We went to the food court. I want to eat chicken she said. Why chicken i asked . How dare you said that chicken is the best she said while pouting. Okay mam i said . She looks cute when she is angry i thought .

We were eating chicken wings. She was eating so cutely . Yahh why are you staring at me she said while still chewing the chicken . You look cute when you eat i said . Yahh will you just keep flirting with me Mr Kim let's talk about business now she said while straightening her back.

Stop with the Mr Kim it's annoying i said . Okay taehyung she said. What is your movie about she asked . It's about makeup that is why I have a deal with you i said . Okay anyway give me your actors and i will make the ad and send it to you okay she said while eating another piece  of chicken. Okay i said with a boxy smile . She returned a smile back  .

I dropped her to her house which was gigantic like mine . Bye tae she said with a smile. B-bye i said while shocked did she just call me tae oh my god i saw in the mirror and i was blushing. Yahh Kim jisoo why are you making me blush.

Jisoo POV 8:21

I just came back from hanging out with taehyung it was fun not going to lie. Why did he kept complimenting me and why was i blushing gosh. I got changed to my pajamas and ate dinner with Jennie and then slept wait a minute tomorrow is taehyung's birthday omg i should give him something as his business partner i will do online shopping after searching for a while i finnally found something a Cartier watch he will look good in it . How should I give it to him got it i will call his assistant and see when he his free . I will call her now .


Assistant of tae (Sophia)
Yeboseyo mam (hello mam)

Hello Sophia i have a favour sorry to disturb you

No mam it's okay tell me

Can you see when is Mr Kim is free tomorrow i want to give him a gift for his birthday but don't tell him.

Oh yes he is free at 7pm he is really booked tomorrow but at 7 you can meet him.

Thank you Sophia and sorry to disturb you

No problem

Okay byee

Anneyong mam


Okay i will go to his office and give him the gift. I should sleep now.


Sorry to not updated yesterday i was busy but here you go

Thx for reading my story

Anyway byeee

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