like to love

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1 Jan
8:01 pm

Jisoo POV

I got ready and went to the living room waiting for Jennie. I am ready Jennie said in a British accent. Wow you look gorgeous my lady i said playing along. Why thank you unnie she said. Now let's go. We sat on the car picked up rosè then Lisa . Wow you guys look gorgeous Lisa said. Thank you lis. We finally reached at D4 bar and went in. I saw a lot of disgusting things but who cares.

Let's be drunk said Jennie. Who is going to drive when we go back asked chaeyoung. Don't worry said Jennie.
3 shots of vodka and 1 vodka with water Jennie Said . Here you go beautiful ladies said the bartender. We drank the first shot at the same time .

Look jungkook is over there said chaeyoung. Are you guys dating said Jennie. No . Why Jennie and chae said at the same time. I don't even know why she said. Look there is the whole maknae line said chaeyoung.
Who cares now let's have fun i said . Finally someone is energized today said Lisa . Shut up Lazisa i said.

We went to the dance floor danced the night away i got super tired so i went to the VIP area. 'Tired' said a unknown voice. Taehyung? i said . Yep . Yes i am tired. Where are your friends. Lisa is with jungkook, rose had to go home for some reason, Jennie is coming in a minute. Okay by the way you look beautiful.

Thank you gentlemen i said. He was shocked at what i said. Well can i have a dance my lady. Sure then we went to the dance floor and danced a lot like we are a couple. You are a great dancer . Your not that bad either. After a long time i finally found Jennie and went home.

Where did you go Jennie . I found my friends so i drank with them . Oh okay i am going to bed goodnight. Good night unnie.

*Next day*

2nd Jan
1:22 pm

Jisoo POV

I was cooking lunch while Jennie was helping me.  Yo jichu i am going to tell yoongi my feelings tomorrow. Don't make the tomorrow the 31st Feb i said sarcastically. Ofcourse not unnie. Done i Said. . Let's eat jichu.

We ate while watching again a kdrama don't judge we are addicted to kdramas. ~~~ring~ring~~~. Unnie your phone. Daee (yes). I saw who it was it was Taehyung what does he want from me



Hey jisoo can you do a favour for me

Wae (why)

How can you decline your hot business partner.

Your not hot

You drooled when you saw me

I did not

Yes you did

No i did not

If you want to prove me then do my favour.

Gosh fine what do you want

Can you help me buy my future newphews clothes . Jin hyung said Irene unnie wants me to pic clothes with you. Because she thinks your style and my style is cool

Fine . Where should I come

At black swan mall  right now

Right now?


I need to get ready

*Ends the call*

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