Happy birthday!

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30 December Wednesday 11:56

Taehyung POV

Everyone in my office were celebrating my birthday even my hyungs , Irene noona to and jungkook. Happy happy happy birthday to you sang jimin and jungkook at the same time. Thanks everyone i said . Everyone now get back to work said Jin . Hyung your boring said jungkook.

Yahh who is boring said Jin while chasing him with a frying pan. Everyone laughed at them . Tae we will go to our parents house to celebrate said Irene noona. I don't want to go there i said . Why don't there your parents she said. Please noona i said while making puppy eyes. Okay okay we will not go she said . Okay bye i need to work said yoongi . Yeah i have to work to said Namjoon.

Okay bye i said. Let's go babe said Irene noona. They left and i got back to work .

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~~~jisoo pov~~~


Mam do you need something said Kelly . 'Coffee please' i said . I was working on my laptop i have a meeting with Mrs park at 1:30 then Lisa and rose will come and have a photoshoot with our makeup brand . At 7 i will go to taehyung's office to give him the gift wow i have a lot to do

In meeting with Mrs park

'Good afternoon Mrs park ' i said politely while bowing. 'Good afternoon Miss Kim ' she said while bowing back. I sat at the front while Kelly was beside me on the right and beside her was Yeji and her team. On my left was Mrs park and her team. 'We would like to have collaboration with Kjs makeup ' said Mrs park.

'Please elaborate Mrs park ' i said professionally. ' Well i would like to Collab with you Kjs × lily cosmetics (Mrs park's makeup brand) i will get 40% of the share you can get 60% of the share 'she said . 'It's not a fair trade' i said . ' Kjs makeup is such a big brand so it would be likely that Kjs have more' she said . 'No thanks but if this is not a fair trade i am not doing this deal 50-50% ,both of the brands easy trade ' i said professionally. 'Okay Miss Kim' she said.

~~meeting ended~~


Now the meeting is over i should start signing the files till chaelisa come.


Let's do photoshoots said Lisa . Lisa and rose came to my office and then went to the photoshoots area on the 11th floor . Come on get changed i said strictly. Dae unnie (yes sis) said chae . They went to change and then came out . You guys look so gorgeous i said in English ( they are speaking korean this whole time). Thanks unnie said Lisa.

They took a lot of photos . First photo was only Lisa ,second photo was only chaeyoung, third photo was Lisa and rose then a video was taken . Then more and more and more photos.

Can't believe it took more than 2hrs just for a photoshoot now i just have to go to tae's office and give him the present i bought for him.

~~taehyung pov~~

Gosh i was so busy today first the birthday then 3 meeting back to back then the shoot of the new movie which jungkook is the lead character. Knock knock i heard .' Come in ' i said . Sir are you free at 7pm said Sophia. Yes don't tell me it's a another meeting i am tired. I said. No sir just asking do you want some coffee asked Sophia. No coffee i hate it i want strawberry smoothie i said . Okay sir she said and left . I am signing these stupid files gosh this is so boring i will literally sleep.

I really had fun with jisoo at first i thought she was that slutty who wears daring clothes . I seriously thought that she will flirt with Me but she was cold like Me and once i really got to know her she was cute, funny, weird, kind i liked her yep i like her.

Sir here is your smoothie and some girl named Sana has came and said she was your girlfriend she is coming in your office she said. Why did you let her in i said with a little anger. She said she is your girlfriend so i-

'Heyyyy babyyyyy' said Sana .

Jisoo POV

Jisoo POV

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My assistant was wrapping the gift i bought in a very beautiful way. Thanks Kelly i Said with a smile. Welcome she said while returning a smile. I took the gift and went to the parking lot and sat in the car while my driver was driving to his office.

A little while later we reached and 2 bodyguards started following me to his office. ~~~~~~knock knock~~~~~~
I entered and saw taehyung angry on some very beautiful girl and when he saw me he calmed down. Sorry did i come at the wrong time i said while my brain was overthinking. Oh who is this babe said that girl . B-babe i thought he is dating then why did he flirt with me . I developed feelings for him but he has a girlfriend i thought.

Stop calling me babe we were in a relationship till i found out that you were just a stupid gold digger taehyung said. Then let's date again and why this bitch is here is she your servant or a fangirl that blonde woman said. I just could not hold my anger so . Excuse me mam i am not a  servant or a fangirl nor a bitch pls mind your attitude i am just here to give him a gift for his birthday i said .

Taehyung POV

I was shook by Jisoo's behaviour i kinda found it sexy and attractive but her attitude changed. And here you go Mr Kim happy birthday jisoo said . I took the gift. I will take my leave while you lovebirds talk by the way Mr Kim bad choice jisoo said and bowed . How dare that bitch say that Sana said. Leave Sana i don't care about you now like i used to i said. Jagiyaa (honey) but i have changed let's date she said . I SAID FUCKING LEAVE i yelled . Get out before i call security. Finally she left.

Great jisoo thinks i am dating her but why did her attitude change like that does she like me but that savage reply gosh she looked so sexy while saying that *slaps himself* stop thinking about this and focus on how you should tell jisoo the whole story but i got hurt when she called me Mr Kim

~~jisoo pov~~

Gosh why did i had feelings for him yahh stupid jisoo again fell on the trap . I finally reached home changed into comfortable clothes ate dinner got on the bed and slept but kept thinking about him.



Why again

How is the story well more drama is about to start


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