
116 7 0

8th Jan Friday


Jennie POV

I woke up late as today i had a event of Calvin Klein to go at 2pm i did my usual routine and sat on the couch. I think jisoo unnie went to work or maybe she is still sleeping but i am to lazy to check . I went to my room again to get my laptop and check emails . I saw a note on my bedside table and it said....

Jennie i have to go to a business trip to

daegu with taehyung i don't when i will

be back .

I read the final word carefully as something did not feel right i locked my room yesterday and she could wake me up or call me why a note? Why so formal? And with taehyung? She always writes jendeukie or take care or smth . I had so many questions so i decided to call her . It ringed but she didn't answer am i thinking to much .

I am getting scared i should call the rest of the pinks because this has happened before . I will explain why is this happened before this was 2 years ago we lived in a different house. I was having a sleep over with jisoo unnie, Rosie,Lisa and with twice . When we were sleeping Lisa heard a door creaking from upstairs so she woke me up and went to investigate.

Upstairs the unnie line were sleeping. We saw three strangers talking they were wearing full black . Lisa and i got scared so we tried to wake up rest of them and somehow stab them . They ran out of the house before we could see their faces . Jisoo unnie and my parents were in the mafia world for 14 years before they married. So a lot of people try to take us . We still don't know why?

I called the pinks minus jisoo and told them that jisoo is missing and the whole story. We called our parents to because they knew hacking and fighting they teached us to we also  knew but they needed to know too.

While Jennie, rose, Lisa are trying to find jisoo. Jisoo here is just waking up.

Jisoo POV

I woke up in a unfamiliar room i am having a bad headache i don't know why . I tried getting up and i saw a room with Beautiful paintings and decorated walls with a hint of black . I got up and panicked as the reality hit me i went to the door and tried to open it but failed . The room has only one window. But i was with taehyung and sleeping on my bed . What happened to him? What happened to Jennie? What happened to me? As i panicked more i did not realise the door opening

"Hello beautiful" said a man walking up to me he was covered with black . He was wearing a mask . I did not blink as he was coming closer . "Who are you and where i am " i said coldly not even giving a slight hint that i am scared.

"Don't worry your safe with me" said the strange man . "Where is taehyung and Jennie" i said with the same attitude. "Jennie is at home don't worry she won't come here" he said with a playful voice.  " But taehyung" i said . "Oh taehyung he is here somewhere but you don't need to know" the strange man said while playing with his fingers. "What the fuck is going on get me out of here" i yelled .

"Save your voice nobody can hear you from here now eat your breakfast" the strange man said . He put the breakfast on the table and left his footsteps were the only thing echoing. Okay jisoo think your parents have teached you something. Window could help but i need to find taehyung wait i have a clip on my hair . I went to the door and handpicked it and it opened .

What if he comes back i have to be alert . Your wondering how do I know all of this our parents were mafia for 14 years but they left it . Now their enemies try to capture us i don't know why. I found a door locked , i opened it with the clip. I saw taehyung bruised tied to a armchair. I locked the door again and went close to him.

"Taehyung are you okay" i said worriedly almost on the verge of crying. "Jisoo?" I heard out of his mouth. " Oh thank God you are okay let's get you out" i said removing the chains . After some time i finnally broke the chain and taehyung was free. " How did you get out " he asked " I will tell you later but we have to go" i said helping him get up .

I heard the sound of door creaking and- "Oh you got here " said that same strange man covered with black you could only see his eyes. "Why are we here" taehyung asked clear anger was shown. "Oh the fun is getting started " the strange man said . As he said those words so many men came and i started to lose consciousness. I saw taehyung punching someone but i blacked out.


Jennie POV

"Found it" said chaeyoung. "Let's go we don't have time " Lisa said. It was 50 min away from our house so we took the shortcut that took 20 min. We  hopped on the car and i started driving because i was the fastest driver . I called the bangtan boys their coming to they will reach the same time as us said Lisa. Why this happened so suddenly i asked.
I don't know replied rosè.

20 min later

Jimin POV

I was shocked as taehyung and jisoo were captured because taehyung would fight them off this has happened before. Since he is such a big CEO people try to kill him maybe this is different . We were with blackpink. We all sneaked inside a warehouse type of place there was heavy security . Namjoon hyung twisted neck of a bodyguard and grabbed his gun.

We all grabbed guns by punching guards. We finally went inside and i saw 4 men full black guarding a room. " Bingo" i whispered to the team. They all figured out what was i saying and started creeping behind them . But we had to lay low because we don't have a plan.


Taehyung POV

I woke up in a uncomfortable position i was tied to chair . The room is a little dark but has a light bulb right above my head. I turned and i saw jisoo in the same position. " Jisoo" i called out . "Taehyung"? She spoke. "Are you okay" i asked. "Yeah you?" She said. " Yep good" i replied.

Hello hello Romeo and Juliet wannabe. Said that stupid man who beat me his face is covered. "Why the hell are we here asshole" yelled jisoo. " I will tell you don't worry but remember her " he said . I heard whimpering until i saw the owner of it. It was Sana she was not tied up but her face expression was like she has seen a ghost. What was she doing here? I thought.

" This girl right here helped me get to you both" said the man while holding Sana's shoulder tightly. "Your friends are here too , every single one is going to witness the truth"he said .


Jennie POV

We were just about enter but everything went black i could not move . After a while my eyes fluttered open i saw jisoo and taehyung tied to a chair and a man blocking a girl that i don't know. I turned around and saw the whole squad . I saw rose cutting the rope with her nails and she was free . She got her phone and called the police.

"Hello guests i am going to tell you all a story" the man said. All of them broke out from their rope because we had knifes in our pockets . "Who the hell are you" yelled j-hope. "I will start my story" the man said not bothering to answer our questions.

"There was this boy who had a big crush on this girl so he told his bestfriend to do something about it but that bestfriend of his betrayed him and went to another school and now he is friends with my crush" he said that but i almost laughed. "Who cares asshole just tell us who are you" yelled jisoo . The man just stood there a snicker escaped his lips.

"I" he said while removing his mask.

"Am"he said while halfly removing his mask

"Jinyoung " he said while fully removing his mask and smirking



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