More Hearts Than Mine

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When Fin called him the night before with the invitation Elliot couldn't help but remember all those late nights at SVU. The job took a toll on everyone, how could it not? It was hard to just sit and relax when they saw the most cruel and tragic cases every day, but the squad did their best. Their attempts to relax usually ended with all of them sitting around a cleanish table in the back of an old cop bar, much like tonight. Except this wasn't his old squad, it was Olivia's squad full of young eager to please detectives, minus Fin. He had been nervous when he walked into the bar with Olivia tonight. He immediately recognized a few of her young detectives walking over juggling multiple drinks as they made their way back to the table which to his surprise was occupied by not only his own Sargent and Fin, but also two very familiar faces.

So if I bring you home to mama

I guess I'd better warn ya

She falls in love a little faster than I do

"Ah it's Mr. Clean himself" Munch shouted raising his glass as he stood up. "Always the comedian" Elliot laughed as he hugged the older man. He looked over to Olivia and couldn't help but smile when he saw her arms wrapped around their former captain. Once they pulled away, they both switched places greeting the men. Munch and Fin immediately launched into bickering over one of the mans never ending conspiracies. Cragen picked up his soda and turned to Olivia who had taken her spot next to him and shook his head playfully "it never ends." She couldn't help but laugh.

And my dad will check your tires

Pour you whiskey over ice and

Buy you dinner but pretend that he don't like you

After an hour of drinking and reminiscing Olivia turned to look at her detectives who had just finished a round of darts. As she listened to their slightly disappointing attempts at trash talk, she shook her head laughing. She set down her glass and turned to Elliot "I'll be back" she said as she stood up "I've got to go and humble my detectives." The table erupted in laughter as they watched the confusion on the young peoples faces as the saw their captain walking towards them.

Oh, if we break up, I'll be fine

But you'll be breaking more hearts than mine

Munch sat down his glass and looked at Elliot "So, you and Liv huh?" Elliot laughed slightly running his hand over his face. "Uh not officially but we've both agreed that's the end goal here" he paused for a moment before continuing "we're taking things slow. She's in control." Don looked down for a moment and wrapped his hands tightly around his glass before speaking "Did you know?" Elliot heard the shakiness of the man's voice and knew exactly what he was referring to. "I swear I had no clue. I was deep undercover when it happened. The first time I heard about it was when Liv told me. If I had known, I- "he stopped as his voice broke "I would've been here."

If I bring you home to mama

I guess I'd better warn ya

The men were silent, struggling to contain their own emotions as they remember the horrors that she had experienced. Fin turned to watch Olivia laughing with the young detectives. He cleared his throat and turned back to the table as he began to speak. "I don't know how much she told you and that's her story to tell but man I'm telling you that she has been through pure hell. When she walked out of that house..." a tear escaped his eyed and rolled down his face " was bad." Elliot's heart was slowly breaking as he saw the tears now rolling down Fins face.

She feels every heartache I go through

"I don't trust you" Munch began, his voice shaking "but for some reason she does so I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt but if you hurt her, I can guarantee your life is going to be a living hell." Elliot opened his mouth to respond but before he could speak, he heard Cragen.

And if my dad sees me crying

He'll pour some whiskey over ice and

Tell a lie and say he never really liked you

"I had to tell her. I had to call her into my office and tell her that you had put in your papers, that you were gone. I knew it was going to be bad, but I will never- "he stopped as his voice broke "I will never forget the look on her face. I had to stand there and watch her heart shatter." Tears were now rolling down his face as he continued "You know what the first thing she said was? What she said even though everything she had known for the last twelve years had just been ripped away from her without a word?" he paused as Elliot looked at him silently "He's earned it. Even though you had just completely betrayed he and broken her heart she said you deserved to retire, to walk away. She loved you so damn much and you just walked away without a word Elliot. I never want to see her like that."

Oh, if we break up I'll be fine

But you'll be breaking more hearts than mine

Elliot sat for a moment silently. He knew that no amount of explanation could change the past, so he didn't try to. Instead, he did the one thing he could do. "I swear on my life that you won't. I'm not going to hurt her. I promise."

You'll be breaking more hearts than mine

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