Chapter 4: New Beginnings

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Zue was determined to make things right with his wife, so he picked up the phone and dialed her number. He knew that it was a risk, considering that they hadn't spoken in quite a while, but he hoped that she would pick up.

After a few rings, Sea finally answered the phone.

"Hello?" she said.

"Sea, it's me, Zue," he replied, trying to keep his voice steady.

"Zue, oh my god," Sea said, sounding surprised. "I wasn't expecting a call from you. Is everything okay?"

"I'm fine, Sea. I just wanted to talk to you," Zue said.

"Okay, what is it?" Sea asked, sounding cautious.

"I was hoping we could meet up and talk," Zue said.

"Talk?" Sea asked, her voice tinged with confusion. "About what?"

"I don't know, Sea. Catch up. It's been a while," Zue said.

"Are you sure everything is okay, Zue? You sound...different," Sea said, her voice laced with concern.

"I'm fine, Sea. I just realized how much I miss you, and I wanted to see you. So, will you meet me at the Starbucks on Sunset and Vine? Around 11 am?" Zue asked.

Sea hesitated for a moment, but eventually, she agreed.

"Okay, Zue. I'll see you there," she said before hanging up.

Zue breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that it was going to be a difficult conversation, but he was ready to face it head-on. He quickly got dressed and made his way to Starbucks.

As he walked into the busy coffee shop, he heard the sound of phones, coffee machines, and people chatting all around him. He spotted Sea sitting at a table near the window, and his heart skipped a beat.

She looked beautiful, as always, and he couldn't believe how much he had missed her.

"Sea," Zue said, approaching her.

"Zue," Sea replied, her voice guarded.

Zue took a deep breath before taking a seat.

"I know that things have been rough between us lately, and I just wanted to talk," Zue said, his voice full of sincerity.

Sea looked at him skeptically.

"What is this about, Zue?" she asked.


realized that I made mistakes in the past. I embarrassed you in front of your friends, and I'm sorry. I want to clarify things with your friends as an apology," Zue said, looking at Sea with sadness in his eyes.

Sea was taken aback by the unexpected apology from Zue, but she could see the sincerity in his eyes.

"I...I appreciate the apology, Zue," Sea replied, still feeling bewildered. "But why are you doing this now after all this time?"

"I've realized that I've taken you for granted, and I've made mistakes that I deeply regret. I want to make things right, and I hope that you can forgive me," Zue said, with a hopeful look on his face.

Sea took a moment to consider Zue's words. She could see the regret on his face, the pain in his eyes, and she knew that he was sincere.

"Okay, Zue," Sea said finally, "I accept your apology. Let's move forward."

Zue smiled, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. They spent the next few minutes catching up, talking about their past, and reminiscing about their happy memories.

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