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"Since when are you two gonna work together? Remember, if you fail in this subject, you're gonna wait for another year to take this subject. Yuzuki, what's your decision? Are you just going to let yourself fail? And How about you Rukawa? To tell you, if you fail in this subject, you're not gonna be included to join the Interhigh Tournament. Last year, you're lucky because the principal just let you have to take the remedial exams. but you cannot have remedial exams in this subject. So decide for yourselves. The thing here is just to work together, to cooperate each other. Is that hard to do?!" Komako-sensei scolded the two because it's been a week passed and they still haven't pass their chapter 1 of their research study on the said deadline. Though, Yuzuki have already made the chapter 1 but she didn't pass it to Komako-sensei. She told Komako that Rukawa is not cooperting with her and she's also high prided. She don't wanna sacrifice to lie again and her efforts will just go to waste because Rukawa isn't gonna cooperate with her.

Rukawa just look down on the floor but deep inside, he's nervous because he honestly don't want to fail.

"What? Are you just going to give me that look? Remember, you cannot have remedial exams in this subject."

Yuzuki remained calm but her palms starts to sweat. She don't want to fail in this subject either.

"I'm sorry Sensei," Yuzuki and Rukawa both said and bowed at the same time.

"Hibikara, maybe you're too rude towards Rukawa-kun."

"What? Me? Rude? Sensei, I'm not that kind of person. I'm not rude. He's the one who's rude towards me. I'm not that kind of person who's not paying attention, who's not asking about the project, who doesn't care about everything-"

"Enough Hibikara!" Komako stopped her.

"But sensei-"

"Hibikara, you're calculating what you've done instead of working together."

"Sensei, he's the only one who's not helping me!"

"Still! You should encourage him."

How can I encourage someone who's not willing to participate?

Yuzuki thought.

"And you Rukawa, adjust yourself. Please help her. You're partners with her and you two should work together."

Yuzuki didn't talk back and just decided to went silent. She seems embarrassed that Komako-sensei scold her.

It hurts her feelings a bit the fact that Komako is like siding with Rukawa.

Komako-sensei let out a sigh.

"Okay, I'll give you two a chance but please this time, work together and you Rukawa-kun, please cooperate and approach Hibikara."

Both were still silent.

"Please work together. I'm giving you a chance and if you waste this chance again then I don't care about it. I don't care if you both fail."

"Ye-yes Sensei!" Yuzuki bowed and glares at Rukawa.

"Rukawa? I'm counting on you." Komako said.

"Yes, sensei." He said simply.

"Okay, you may go now."


"You heard what sensei told us and I really hope this time you would cooperate with me. I- I don't wanna fail, so please..." Yuzuki said and almost whispered on the last sentence. She wasn't facing him but she felt sad because she got tired doing her best to make Rukawa cooperate and it annoys her the fact that Rukawa doesn't care about it.

"If you still don't cooperate, then we both fail... So please Kaede, let's just work together. I'll wait for you at the library later at 4 and if you won't show up then, I'll let you be."

She then walks away feeling a bit sad. Rukawa looks at her walking figure. He felt a bit guilty for not approaching her and now that the guilt feeling is starting to grow on him, he starts to feel nervous towards her. He seems like he's afraid not to care about everything.

He then went to the rooftop as usual.

Hours passed, it was already 4pm and Rukawa hasn't arrive at the library yet.

Yuzuki is waiting for him inside the library.

"Let's go! I wanna watch their basketball practice. I wanna watch Rukawa-kun." The girl said makes Yuzuki to eavesdrop a bit.

"Me too!"

Huh? So he's prioritizing his basketball than his academics?!

"I heard Akagi-senpai their old team captain is going to visit today. I heard he went to Shintai University along with Kogure-senpai."

"Yeah, it's cool to see them again."

As for Rukawa, He went to coach Anzai to excuse himself and skip practice today.

"I may have to skip practice today, Anzai-sensei. I can't afford to fail in this subject that I'm taking." Rukawa said to Anzai-sensei, their coach.

"Oh ho ho ho, worry not. I have no problem for that. Your academics is more important. Just don't be absent on weekend training, alright? I believe you don't have classes on saturdays."

"Yes, sensei."


"I swear! If that Rukawa won't show up, I'm doing this on my own. I don't care about his basketball career! Ugh! I hate basketball!" Yuzuki said to herself. She waited at the library for almost 30 minutes and she couldn't wait for more wasting another 30 minutes. So, she decided to stand up and walk out of the library.

When she got out at the library, she went to the gym to look for him but when she arrived at the gym, she can't seem to find him. His fans were all over the bleachers, waiting for his arrival but then felt upset after Akagi announced that Rukawa isn't going to practice today.

She then decided to just walk away the gym.

As she was walking, a blue bike just stops in front of her. When she look up, she saw Rukawa looking at her.

Her eyes widen to see him staring at her and for how many times that she used to look at Rukawa, this time is the first time that her heart skipped a beat looking at the young man with his bike.

"Where are you going Doahou? I thought we're going to make our research?"

Yuzuki can't form any words to say.


"I'm sorry, I'm late. I went to my coach to let me excuse for today's practice. I skip today's practice just for this." He said and this time, his sentence improved because Rukawa usually said only 4-5 words.

"He, I- Uh, huh?!"

"Wait for me, I'll park my bike and then we start." He said and rode his bike went to the space where he will park his bike.

"What just happened?"




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