Chapter 1

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He's almost at his limit, which means I'm almost at mine.

"Uncle Hank, come on. Ben needs you at the crime scene."

"Relax Sel, we'll leave in a minute, one more Jim!" He speaks in that slurry tone before he gets hammered.

"You've been saying for an hour. I'm leaving," I grab my bag.

"I said in a minute Selene." He looked at me, his eyes saying what would make me back down, don't test me girl.

I sit down, feeling defeated as he asks for another round. Not even bothering to look at who comes in as the bell rings. I did look as they moved behind me and shifted to see Hank.

"Lieutenant Anderson and Detective Selene Anderson, my name is Connor. I am the android sent by CyberLife. I looked for you at the station and someone on staff informed me you may be having a drink nearby, I was lucky to find you both at the fifth bar."

I looked behind me and his eyes met mine, I saw a distinct yellow then blue hue circulate his LED. No doubt reading me.

"What do you want?" He didn't look up.

"You were assigned a case early this evening, a homicide involving a Cyberlife android. In accordance with procedure the department has allocated a specialized model to assist investigators."

"Well I don't need any assistance, specially from a plastic asshole like you, so just be a good little robot and get the fuck outta here."

I went to speak but the android beat me to it.

"I understand that some people are not comfortable in the prescense of androids, but-"

"I am perfectly comfortable, now back off before I crush you like an empty beer can." He finally looked up, annoyance present in his eyes.

"He's an android uncle Hank, you'd have better chances crushing an android baby. Now let's go. Now." He ignored me and I stood, ready to leave.

"I think you should do as she says and stop drinking and come with me, it'll make life easier for the both of us."

He nodded before taking another swig. I started toward the door when Connor spoke, "how about I buy one for the road, what do you say?" he spoke suggestively, I looked at him and Hank gave a subtle nod, "bartender, the same again please." He slid a tip and watched Hank.

"See that Jim? Wonders of technology... Make it a double." he nodded as he poured one more and watched him, he sighed and gave a subtle grin to the android.

"Did you say homicide?"

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