Chapter 4

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Of course he's late, probably went back to Jimmy's after I left.

Connor was already at the office when I came in, he was looking at Hank's desk, no doubt looking into his background.

"Good morning Connor."

"Good morning detective Anderson, it's good to see you again." He spoke with a small smile.

"We can lose the formalities Connor, just call me Selene." I sat down and started up my terminal.

"Selene, in my office." I looked up and saw Fowler, "bring the android with you."

"Good morning captain, what's up?" I sat down and Connor stood from behind.

"I've got new cases on android's hitting my desk everyday, usually from old ladies losing their maids and that kind of crap. But now I'm getting reports of assualts and even homicides, I want you, your uncle, and this android to investigate these incidents from here on out."

"You're preaching to the choir with me, but I know Hank won't want to be partnered with an android."

"If you weren't still shadowing him I would let it be you two but my hands are tied with that matter for the moment."

"Speaking of that I submitted my final interrogation observation to you regarding last night's homicide with that android in custody. That should be good enough for top brass to release me and give me my shield. Connor's interrogation should persuade them."

"I'll look it over and deal with Hank, you and Connor look over the cases."

"Thank you captain." I smiled and left, Connor lingered for a moment and spoke to the captain, who pointed to the door without giving him a second glance.

He sat down at a desk across from mine, I smiled a little and spoke.

"I know you and my uncle didn't get off to a good start last night, but he's a good guy and a great cop. He's just not... Confortable around androids. It's nothing against you."

He eyed me, his LED turning yellow as he thought of his response. I looked back at my terminal.

"What's your cat's name?" I looked up, "huh?"

"There's cat hairs on your jacket and a picture of one on your desk."

"Oh, her name is Celestia. I adopted her after moving out of Hank's house, she's a princess but she's really sweet." I smiled as I remembered her small amber eyes saying goodbye to me this morning.

"Hank, in my office." We looked over and saw Hank approching us, but Fowler caught him. He looked us up and down before going. I gulped as he sat down, bracing myself for his reaction.

"You seem nervous, are you scared of him?" I looked to Connor and shook my head, "no, I already know how he's going to react, I'm just bracing myself to deal with him after. May I ask a question?" He turned to me and nodded.

"I would really like to understand your programing better so we can optimize our teamwork. After today we can meet for coffee and go over everything. 

"That would be a good idea, it would benefit our work on the deviant investigation."

"There's a 24 hour cafe across the street, let's meet there after today."

He nodded.

 We looked back to Fowler's office. Hank was leaning into his desk, no doubt begging him to release him from this case assignment. Eventually he acquiesced and came back to us.

"Good morning Lieutenant, it's good to see you again." Connor stood up and smiled.

"Ah Jesus," he spoke dreadfully before sitting down.

"I wanted to let you know, I am looking forward to working with you and your niece on this case. I hope we are able to become better aquainted in the coming days."

Nothing. I spoke up. "You might as well speak Hank, you're stuck with me and him by proxy."

He ignored me too.

"I understand that my precense causes you some... Inconvience, I want you to know I'm sorry about that." Nothing.

I breathe out my frustation as Connor sat back down, still eyeing him.

"You have a dog, right?" He finally looked up, "how'd you know about that?"

"The dog hairs on your chair, I like dogs. What's your dog's name?"

"What's it to you?" He spoke icily.

He looked away and I rolled my eyes.

"Sumo, I call him Sumo." I smile a little.

They talk a little bit more, about music, the Detroit Gears, him and Fowler's relationship before he gets to work on the case assignments.

"243 cases, the first dating back nine months. It all started back here in Detroit..Then quickly spread across the country," Hank listened with his hand against his jaw.

"An AX400 is reported to have assualted a man last night, that could be a good starting point for our investigation."

"That's a good idea, maybe we should visit the victim's house." I stood up, grabbing my jacket and umbrella.

Hank spun his chair away as Connor approched his desk, grabbing his tablet.

"I understand you're facing personal issues, Lieutenant, but you need to move past them and-"

"Hey! Don't speak to me like you know me, I'm not your friend and I don't need your advice okay?" He turned away.

I crossed my arms as Connor leaned down to him.

"I have been assigned this mission Lieutenant, I did not come here to wait until you felt like working." He spoke in a determined tone.

Frustrated he stood up and pulled him by the collar and pinned him against a white board.

"Hank let him go!" I gripped his shoulder.

"Shut it Selene." He kept his eyes on him and nudged me back with his elbow.

"Listen asshole, if it were up to me I would throw the lot of you in a dumpster and set a match to it. So stop pissing me off... Or things are gonna get nasty."

"Lieutenant and detective, uh.. Sorry to disturb you, the AX400 that assualted that man? It's been sighted in the Ravendale district." Chris came up to us cautiously.

"We're on it." He didn't look back to him as he released Connor and left to get the car.

"Seems we're getting somewhere," I watched him leave and turned to Connor, who was adjusting his jacket and tie. I sighed and we followed him out.

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