Chapter 2

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I swear the people of Detroit only love two things, the Gears and closed off crime scenes.

"Joss Douglas, for Channel 16. Can you confirm this is a homicide?" A reported swooped from behind Hank as we walked toward the crime scene.

"I'm not confirming anything." He continued walking.

Hank told Connor to stay in the car before we left to investigate the crime scene, despite both our insistence that he needs to come to help and can't do that from the car.

"Listen, I don't give a fuck about your instructions, I tell you to wait here, so you shut the fuck up and wait here. Come on Selene."

I'm listening to him talk to another officer when I see him come up to the crime scene tape and an android officer stops him. "No androids are permitted beyond this point."

"It's with me," Hank shouts. I gesture for him to come through.

"What part of 'stay in the car' didn't you understand?" Hank eyed him.

"Your order contradicted my instructions Lieutenant."

"That's not surprising, the man always contradicts himself at least once a day." I say in a dull tone.

He ignored me, "You don't talk, you don't touch anything and you stay outta my way got it?"

"Got it." He didn't miss a beat.

"Evening Hank, Selene. We were starting to think you weren't going to show."

"Yeah that was plan, until this asshole found me." He gestured to Connor.

"I would of shown up without him. He was getting on my nerves anyway," I smirked as Hank rolled his eyes.

"So, you got yourself an android, huh." Ben spoke teasingly as I smirked and we followed him in.

"Oh very funny. Just tell me what happened."

Ben fills us in on the victim, Carlos Ortiz. Landlord stopped by since he hadn't paid rent in months so he stopped by, which led him to the body.

"Jesus that smell," I could see Hank's face cringe as he knelt in front of the body.

"From the look of the body, and the flies surrounding him, my guess is he's been here at least two weeks. Maybe more." I leaned down.

"We'll know more once the coroner gets here. There's a kitchen knife over here, the murder weapon." Ben gestures to the bloody knife.

"Any sign of a break in?" Hank took the scanner offered to him and scanned the words, written in the victim's blood. I AM ALIVE.

"The landlord said the front door was locked from the inside, and the windows were boarded up, the killer must've gone out the backway."

"What do we know about his android?"

"This man had an android?" I chuckled.

"The neighbors confirmed he had one, but it wasn't here when we arrived. I gotta get some air, make yourself at home, I'll be outside if you need me." I could see he was about ready to puke, couldn't blame him, the stench was making me dizzy.

"These letters are perfect, no human could write like this." Hank and I step closer as I put my mask and gloves on. "Chris, was this written in the victim's blood?" He turned to another uniform, "I would say so, we're gonna take some samples for analysis."

Connor stepped closer and began processing the sight before him, I cringed a little as he took some of the blood and licked it.

"Oh Jesus what the hell are you doing?" he looked at him in disgust.

"He's analyzing the blood, right Connor?" I look to him.

"Yes, I can check samples in real time, I'm sorry... I should of warned you."

"Ok.. Just... Don't stick anymore evidence in your mouth you got it?"

"Got it." He made a finger gun.

"Fucking hell, I can't believe this shit." He mutters before walking away. I definitely can. I watched him curiously.

"Let's explore the scene together Connor, start with the body. I'll go find the murder weapon."

He knelt down and studied the victim while I took in the scene in the living room, then the kitchen. A chair had been knocked over. Signs of a struggle. I looked down and saw the knife with the blood that had already congealed. Connor, being one step ahead took the knife and analyzed the handle.

"No fingerprints." He looked up at me.

"Either the perp wore gloves or our missing android is our missing killer. Given the current evidence I believe it's the latter. But what brought all of this on if that's the case?" I spoke almost dreamily.

He pointed to my foot and I found it, an aluminum bat. I took out a piece of cloth and handed it to him, our fingers brushing slightly. So human like. Interesting.

"The fingerprints on the handle belong to the victim, and the dent and trace amounts of Thirium on it show that the android was assaulted." Connor put the bat back to its marker and looked at me for approval.

"Looks like this scene has been processed." I looked down at my smart watch and stopped my timer. Only 5 minutes had passed since we made entry. Just, wow.

"Connor go ahead and brief Hank. I need to go make some notes. I'll be in the front if you need me."

"Are you sure? You helped process this scene, the Lieutenant will want to know what you found."

"No it's ok, I'll give him my notes after we finish, and we still need to find the android. I have a feeling they're still here," I look at the chair that was thrown down in the kitchen.

"Hey hey, what are you doing with that chair?" I looked over and saw Connor going to the bathroom but stopping in the middle of the hallway.

"I'm just going to check something." He stood and moved the panel to the attic.

"Check something," Hank muttered.

I could hear his quiet steps as we both stood underneath the panel, then they stopped.

"Connor! What's going on up there?"

"I found it Lieutenant!"

We looked at each other, eyebrows raised in surprise, "I'll add this to my notes too." I looked back up as Chris and Ben came to assist.

Well now the intrestring part begins.

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