Chapter 6

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So many abandoned places, like abandoned dreams.

"Hey Connor, you run out of batteries or what?" We looked at him as his eyes opened.

"I'm sorry, I was making a report to CyberLife."

"Uh.. Well do you plan to stay in the elevator?"

"No, I'm coming."

We followed Hank and he leaned to the wall on his side. "What do we know about this guy?"

Connor walked to the door and I stood against the wall. "Not much, just that a neighbor reported he heard a strange noise coming from this floor, nobody's supposed to be living here, but the neighbor said he saw a man hiding an LED under his cap."

"Oh Christ, if we have to investigate every time someone here's a strange noise, we're gonna need more cops."

"More reason for the top brass to release me from my shadow status to detective." I looked at Hank.

He looked to me then back to Connor. "Hey were you really making a report back in the elevator? Just by closing your eyes?"


"Shit, wish I could do that." I rolled my eyes and smiled.

He knocked softly once, then looked to Hank, who shrugged.

After two more times he spoke. "Anybody home? Detroit police!"

There was a shift, then a soft clash coming from the inside.

"Behind me Connor." I spoke and we drew our guns.

"Got it."

Hank busted the door down and made entry, checked the first two doors then knocked down the third, an assualt of pigeons followed.

"What the fuck is this?!"Hank swatted at the barage of pigeons, "Jesus this place stinks..." He looked through the hallway. "Ah looks like we came here for nothing, our man's gone."

I shook my head, they couldn't have been that fast.

Connor canvassed the areas, I looked in the bathroom with him and saw a strange sight.

RA9 written perfectly on the bathroom walls, along with a mazes. A map maybe?

"Any idea what it means?" Hank walked in.

"RA9, written 2471 times.. it's the same sign Ortiz's android wrote on the shower wall... Why are they obssessed with this sign?" Hank stepped closer, "looks like mazes or something."

I took out my phone and took some pictures, for research later. "No doubt this does establish a link with some of the cases we have." I followed Hank out to the kitchen, where he found some birdseed. "Looks like he was feeding them, that explains why they didn't all fly out when we came in."

"Found somethin?" Hank looked at him as he came out with a book.

"I don't know. It looks like a notebook but it's indecipherable, it could take weeks to decrypt it."

He looked up and that's when I saw them, they landed on Connor, who grunted as the pigeons flew up again.

"Fuckin pigeons! What are you waiting for? Chase it!" Connor stood and bolted after the android.

We followed them through the nearby buildings, Hank was a foot away from me, I grabbed the android.

"Stop where you are!"

They pushed me and I was grappling the ledge as Hank ran over and Connor stopped to help me up.

"Shit! You ok Sel?" Hank grabbed and looked me over.

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