Chapter 7

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These deviants, who are they really?

"Call EMS! She's unconscious!"


"She has an arrhythmia, she's alive."

"Step back sir, we need to assess her."

"I'm not leaving her."

"Selene? Wake up, please."

The light made my eyes sting as I opened them. I heard hushed voices, and saw silhouettes, like the kind you see in those docuseries about near death experiences. Was I?

They were everywhere, touching me.

"No.." I could barely hear myself.

"No, get off me..."

"Shh... don't be afraid." The voices spoke, some male and others female.

"Get off me! I want to go home!" I screamed and felt their hands hold me tighter, one of them spoke in an urgent tone, "get me midazolam, she's becoming erratic."

"No! Get off me!" I was screaming at the top of my lungs, the walls should of crumbled, and the ceiling should of opened at my cries, but they did not bend, nor did the shadows that kept me restrained, and soon I faded again.

I could hear the faint sound of a heart monitor, and pressure, like someone was squeezing my arm. A blood pressure cuff?

I went to move but felt something hug my wrists. Velcro restraints binded my wrists and ankles.

Was I kidnapped?

I was quickly  proven wrong when the door opened and Connor stepped inside.

"Oh shit, you're awake, let me get you out of those." He moved and quickly freed me from the restraints. I hugged him before he could move away, my head buried into his white shirt and black tie. Soon my tears stained them.
At first he didn't move, but slowly his arms encircled my waist, and his hand brushed my hair away from my face.
"I'm sure you have a lot of questions, and I will answer them for you. But I'd like to call Hank to let him know that you're ok, is that alright?" I nodded and pulled him closer.
"Lieutenant, this is Connor. Selene is awake."

"Uncle Hank, y-you're squeezing, I can't breathe." He was hugging me and I could hear the sound of the heart monitor beeping as my rate rose.
"You had me scared for a second Sel, thought..." He didn't finish.  He pulled away and sat down on a chair next to my bed. Connor sat next to me with his arm on my back.
"I thought I was too until I felt them stab me with a needle. Everything is... fuzzy."

"That's to be expected, the midazolam injection is mainly used in helping patients relax before surgical procedures or prevent memories occurring from traumatic-"

"I know Connor, thanks for telling me though. How long was I out?" They looked at each other then back at me, their eyes apprehensive.
"Five days and five nights," Connor spoke cautiously.

I leaned back into my bed, a chuckle, then a giggle could be heard from me. It went from that to almost full blown hysteria if Connor hadn't pulled me and Hank into a hug. Soon my tears took place of my false happiness, and I didn't try to conceal it.

"I'm glad.. I was asleep, the brass must of been laughing it up... Thinking I'm stupid... Incompetent.." I hanged my head and wiped the tears away

Hank placed a hand over my shoulder. "The brass did convene after you got hurt, and they weren't laughing it up honey, I was there. They had hoped you would have woken up sooner to be present virtually when  they decided to release you from shadow status."

My head shot up and he smiled, reaching into his back pocket he pulled out a golden shield and placed it in my lap.
"Congratulations. Detective Selene Anderson, pending your recovery, you are released from shadow status."

I ran my fingers over the badge, eyeing the engravings, on the inside it read, Made in Detroit. On the front:

S. Anderson
Badge No. 48235
Protect and Serve.

I stared at it in shock, awe, joy and surprise.  They must of seen something in the days leading up to now, apart from the mistakes I made a few days ago.

The joyful silence was interrupted by a quick knock, then a human doctor and nurse android entered.

"Good afternoon Selene, glad to see you're awake, how are you feeling?" He had that '20s style comb over and jet black hair, copper colored skin and blue eyes. He smiled and nodded at Connor and Hank.

"I'm feeling better."

"Good, you had us worried for a little bit, you sustained a massive cerebral hemorrhage and an frontal lobe concussion. But we were able to stop the blood from clotting and inevitably dislodging. You still have a little bit more to go through with the concussion. Keep your internet, reading and any activities involving thinking at a minimum. You should start feeling better in a few days,  all that sleep helped your recovery. We do recommend that someone you know stay with you for the next three days to monitor you." 

"I'll watch her."

I turned my head and Connor had his eyes on the doctor, who eyed him skeptically.
Suddenly his eyes rolled back and I heard the familiar noises of computing.

"I now know the protocols of caring for someone with a significant head injury, and although I'm sure the Lieutenant would be an ideal person for this,  he's swamped with cases."
Hank looked down in agreement, it was true, everyone was overworked. I'm sure Fowler felt bittersweet when he heard the news about me.

"Very well, nurse?"
A dark toned  android stepped forward and handing Connor a tablet, she spoke.

"This is a release form for you to sign on her behalf, stating you claim responsibility for her recovery for the next several days."

His hand turned white as he confirmed it. Soon we were out of the place that smelled of disinfectant and misery.

"I don't know about you Hank but I could go for a drink and one of Gary's burgers."

"We can stop at Gary's on the way home, but it's not recommended you drink while healing." Connor kept his arm secure around my waist, it was platonic but I felt the flutter of butterflies in my stomach. He seated me in the back and sat in the middle next to me.

"You're really taking this caretaking thing seriously huh Connor?" Hank eyed us in the mirror, his eyes somewhat suspicious.

"He definetly is, but that's all uncle Hank, leave him alone."

He put his hands up, feigning innocence.

We stopped at Gary's and Hank got me my favorite. Bacon burger cooked medium well with lettuce and tomato, and a strawberry lemonade. When he came back to the car he headed north instead of south. Oh no.

"Let's get you some fresh air before you have to hunker down again Selene."

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