Chapter 7

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As soon as Voyager transported the group, a blue light enveloped them and then they reappeared inside standing on a platform with circular rings. 

Voyager: Welcome aboard the USS Voyager.

Everyone: So cool !

Voyager: Now let's head outside I will start the tour with the lowest deck and move upwards.

Voyager started walking out of the room. The door opened automatically that startled a few girls.

Cleveland: Woah! The door opened on it's own. How is that possible.

Voyager:  A sensor detects anyone nearby and opens automatically. Few doors require a lock for security reasons and the doors can also seal of a room or an entire deck.

Hood: So basically your doors act like our bullhead doors. Pretty useful considering ours is very thick and weigh a lot.

Voyager started walking along a deck with the girls in tow. They were gawking at every inch of the corridor. The corridor had many doors and occasionally a  work panel. The light was bright enough but for some reason did not burn their eyes when looked at directly. The technology was very advanced. They followed Voyager until she entered what looked like a small almost circular room. The girls not knowing what to do stood outside and stared at her.

Voyager: Well are you coming or not. Don't worry this is just a elevator.

The girls although wary entered the room and the door closed. Voyager then spoke out DECK 15 aloud which was followed by a beeping sound and then a whirring sound. After a few seconds, the doors opened and they walked out.

Illustrious: So it really was a elevator. I thought they only used these at dockyards to move heavy cargo. But seems the future has found many uses for it.

Voyager:   The elevator or what we call a turbulent can travel at incredible speeds to any of the deck. This is way better and conformable than crawling through service tubes.

Enterprise: Sounds like a cramped space.

Voyager: Ughhh! You wont believe until you see it. I have seen my crew suffer while crawling through it. Anyways enough of that now. Welcome to deck 15.

Unicorn: It's soo big!!!! Big sis Voyager what is there on this deck?

Voyager although taken aback by being called big sister, she did not mind it. She replied with a smile;

Voyager: Well since this is the lowest deck, it has a door to jettison my warp core. It has my batteries and most important my landing gears.

Everyone were shocked by the presence of a landing gear.   

Cleveland: Why on Earth would a spaceship that can float and teleport things need landing gear?

Voyager smiled wryly and told them about how the designers had wanted a starship to land on planets for extended missions and on planets with adverse conditions not favorable for shuttle landing .

Voyager: Now back to the lift everyone. We have a long way to go.

They entered the lift and went deck by deck with Voyager showing them many parts of the ships including Hydroponics bay, storage area, shuttle bay, mess hall. She skipped sensitive areas like engineering, security office, weapons control and other classified things. She decided that she will withhold from showing those areas unless absolutely necessary. The ship girls were in complete awe. They saw plants growing normally, saw the shuttle up close and they were massive, they had food in mess hall which was "replicated". They were further dumbfounded when food appeared out of nowhere although the taste was not that great.

They arrived at deck 5.

Voyager: Welcome to deck 5 one of the most important area's of the ship for the crew.

Enterprise:  Why? What is there on this deck.

Voyager: The medical bay or as we call it the sick bay. Ohhh! I completely forgot to check whether the doctor is still there.

Everyone: Doctor?

Voyager: Yes he is computer hologram an Emergency Medical Hologram or EMH for short. He was meant to act as a temporary doctor until a replacement arrived. But, in our case he was the only left with the expertise. He was the only person I could talk with before I became human. Whenever he was deactivated, we would meet and talk about a lot of things including the crew. 

Voyager was becoming sad on remembering the memories about her long lost crew. Everyone was surprised along with Voyager when Enterprise suddenly hugged her causing Voyager to blush.

Enterprise: There There. It's alright now. 

Voyager: Th-Thanks.

Enterprise wondering about why it became so quite realized what she was doing and let go of Voyager and blushed heavily.

Enterprise: So-sorry about that.

Voyager: It's fine.

The atmosphere became weird with everyone being silent. When Javelin fake coughed to bring everyone back to their senses.

Voyager: Moving on lets go to the sick bay. I am wondering if the Doctor is still there.

They entered a huge room with multiple beds and a separate office. But no one was there.

Enterprise: So where is this Doctor fellow?

Voyager: He may be deactivated wait a moment. Computer. Initiate the EMH program.

Computer: Initiating.

Doctor: Please state the nature of the medical emergency.

Voyager: Hello doc it's been a while guess I owe you an explanation.

Doctor: Oh it's you and yes I need explanation least of which on how you became human.

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