Hundred thousand mountaines 2/3

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"We are looking for someone the villagers are confident in. Inteligent, friendly, easy going and more likely important. It have to be someone they would open their door to in the middle of the night, even knowing there is a demon hunting. Make people talk and if they ask how is the investigation going the answer is "everything hunder control."

"Sould we not tell them the culprit is hiding among them ?"

"Do you realy want to see the entier village beat an inocent to death because they panic ?"

The disciples went silent

"Once you have a serious suspect, call Yae Yong. The power of shaolin will push away illusions... By the way, where is the monk ?"

"He is reciting sutras somewhere near the river. The vew of the corpse must have shocked him..."

Chung Mung scrashed his head

"I'll assume it's quite a hard hit for a budhist who seek to protect and save the people..."

' We are taoist you bastard !'

'We are meant to seek for justice too !'

'Why are you even here it it's not to destroy evil in the name of virtuous sects ?!'

" Please young man, could you tell me about the demon who is harassing you ?"

Mount Hua disciples began to talk to the villagers and to colect informations. But they didn't learn anything new exept horribles details they wanted they never knew.

Plus, Chung Mung was acting strangely. He didn't slept for days and, during the night he was just looking at the nail-cover and drinking.

It was very frustrating.

"All our investigations are pointless and none of our suspect is the demon..."

"Monk Yae Yong, is it possible the transformation technic could resist the martial art of shaolin ?"

The monk shook his head

"The light of Budaha reject every lies... There is no way it would not reveal evil..."

They were desperate

"No more victims."

"You are right Samae, you have to keep in mind the most important is the good of the villagers."

"Yes Sasuk !"

"Amitabha, well said disciple Baek Cheong."

Lying on his blankets with a bottle in hand, Chung Mung nagged

"What a pity this case will not solve with good feelings and pretty words..."

He got up

"Let's change technic. Sasuk and Sago will  walk in the town at the sun set trying to notice suspect behaviours. Tell people you just wanted to breath fresh air. Sahungs and the bald head  will go to investigate in the pub, i'll chek the mountain."

" Taoist sir ? Monk ? Why are you here ?"

"Please, don't tell Sasuk, he would be mad at us..."

The third grade disciples of Mount Hua sat around a table in the pub with others villagers. Imediately, Yae Yong ordered

The return of the mount Hua sect (ONE SHOTS) english/frenchWhere stories live. Discover now