Chapter 43. The Beast Inside

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Wolfe cried over Zara's sudden death. He held her tightly as the battle continued around them. Trixi tries to get him up. "We have to go Wolfe!" She said to him. "We have to finish this." Wolfe stayed silent with tears in his eyes. Suddenly, E-Mac returns to finish them off. Wolfe looks up at him with anger in his eyes. E-Mac fires his gun once more at them both. Wolfe tackles Trixi, saving her from the shower of bullets.He glances over to E-Mac with anger. "The beast has awakened!" He growled. He then gets up and runs towards E-Mac, who was still in the air. Trixi tries to stop him. "Wolfe! Wait!" She was unsuccessful. Suddenly, he jumps up several feet in the air, landing on E-Mac's back, catching him by surprise. "Get off of me you freak!" He yelled. Wolfe claws the jet engine, disabling it. They both crash to the ground in a cloud of smoke. Trixi couldn't believe what had happened. She didn't know that Wolfe was that powerful. She leaves Zara's body behind to help him. Both Wolfe and E-Mac get up from the ground. As the dust clouded the area, Wolfe looks around cautiously. E-Mac was nowhere to be, but he was ready for him. Suddenly, he appears from the dust with his blades drawn attempting to slice him. Wolfe smelled E-Mac's black metal skeleton before then, which saved him from getting decapitated. However, the only weapons he had with him was his sword and claw gloves. He takes out his sword to block E-Mac's blades. He had difficulty with the android. Trixi stood by with concern for Wolfe's life. She wanted to do something for him, but she didn't know what. Then, she spots Zara's naginata lying on the ground. She runs over to retrieve it. E-Mac notices her and kicks Wolfe to the ground. He aims his minigun at Trixi to take her down. Wolfe looks over and saw that he was trying to kill her as well. The barrels of the gun began to spin. Wolfe quickly gets up and pushes the gun upward, just as E-Mac began to fire. Most of the bullets misses her, except for a couple that had unfortunately hit her in the leg. She screams out in pain and falls to the ground just before reaching the naginata. Wolfe saw her get injured and becomes even more angered. He yells out a noise that almost sounded like a wolf growling. He takes his sword and swings it at E-Mac's body. The blade bounces off with a spark. They stare down at one another with a pause. E-Mac speaks to him with sarcasm. "Well, well! What's the matter nature boy? Did I hurt your 'people', or are you just wild?" Wolfe's anger rises at E-Mac's rants. "I will destroy you!" He yelled. E-Mac laughs. "Ha! What makes you think that you can destroy me? Look at me! I am enchanted! It is impossible to bring me down!" Wolfe wasn't giving up. He takes his sword to strike again, but E-Mac catches the blade with his hand and breaks it with his other hand. Wolfe was now worried. He tries his gloves, but it was no good. E-Mac kicks him down hard to the ground. As Wolfe landed flat on his back, he begins to cough up blood after the hard hit. E-Mac walks up to him. He aims his minigun at his face. The barrels began to spin as Wolfe stared them down. "See ya freak." E-Mac said quietly. Suddenly, Trixi jams the gun with the naginata before any shots were fired. She uses her strength to break off the gun. She had the strength, because she just so happened to be a Couragaristis. She had a little bit of Couragaristis strength in her blood. Unfortunately, it still wasn't enough to stop E-Mac. He becomes mad and slaps her to the ground. "How dare you!" He runs over and takes out his blades again. While she was on the ground, he stabs one of the blades into her shoulder. She screams in agony. He takes the other blade and aims for her throat. Wolfe crawls over to the minigun, which still had the naginata stuck in the barrels. He desperately tries to free the weapon from the gun. Meanwhile, Trixi was left pinned by E-Mac with one blade in her shoulder, and another pointed at her. "You little traitor!" Said E-Mac. "So tenderhearted! Having a soft heart is the reason why you are about to die!" Trixi toughs through the pain and angrily stares back at E-Mac. "Being evil is the reason why you're a piece of shit!" She ranted quietly. E-Mac's lights glow brighter. "Farewell my dear." He says to her. He brings his arm back preparing to stab her. But all of a sudden, Wolfe pearced the naginata through E-Mac's head like a spear, causing him to short out. Electric sparks fly from his head. "That's for my sister you sonuva bitch!" He yelled. E-Mac confusingly tries to fight back, but was blinded by the sparks. He accidentally takes the blade out of Trixi's shoulder, trying to fight back. Wolfe then takes E-Mac's minigun and aims it at him. The barrels begin to spin. "Trixi! Get out of the way!" She rolls out of the way and Wolfe fires the minigun, using the enchanted bullets against E-Mac. They hit him countless times until the gun was dry of ammo. E-Mac glitches his words before shutting down. "Curse you!" He yelled before falling over. E-Mac shuts down. Wolfe walks over to him with the minigun still in his hands. He rages after seeing his remains. He takes the heavy minigun and attempts to smash E-Mac with it. He cries out in anger over Zara's death and Trixi being hurt. He hits him continuously, until Trixi hugs him from behind. She begs him to stop. "Wolfe! That's enough! It's over! Please stop!" Wolfe throws the gun at E-Mac for one last assault before tears rolled down his face. He falls down to his knees and Trixi continued to hold him tight. "I-I'm sorry." He said quietly choking on his words. "I don't know what got into me. He- he killed my SISTER!" Trixi continues to comfort him. "You always wanted her to keep it together." She replied. "I'm sure she would have wanted you to do the same." They look over and Wolfe remembered that they were in a war and that the C.I.Gang was going to need some help. He nods and Trixi helps him back up. Wolfe grabs Zara's naginata and prepares for battle again.

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