Chapter 21: A New Perspective

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  You exit the room, waving so long to your counterparts, thinking how odd it was that there were so many varieties of you from other worlds. You overheard that the rounds had concluded, and that the third round was about to commence. You knew the third round was gonna start with you against the bad 21, and you felt very unprepared for the fight. Your only hope was the god form, but you had no way of accessing it now of all times.

  Though before you enter the Arena, you feel a hand on your shoulder, turning to see your father.

Y/N(16): GAH!!! I thought you got warped to some other dimension.

Vegito: It's a long story trust me. But I'm glad I made it back in time for your fight.

Y/N(16): But you missed Bra's. Even I was there for that one.

  Vegito laughed a bit, clearly it was out of his control, so you just let it go.

Y/N(16): I'm going to die in this next fight you know. But when I do, don't wish me back with the dragon balls for a bit.

Vegito: Oh don't be so dramatic. Their taking another break anyway, but they got a surprise for us. They used the dragon balls to revive everyone who died in the previous rounds.

  Your ears perk up as you turn to you father.

Y/N(16): Wait, everyone!

Vegito: Yeah. All the previous participants.

  You trembled a bit, clenching your fist as you quickly dash past your father and go through the halls, making your way through to your area, time slowed for the moment as you saw your niece, the Pan of your universe alive and well. For some reason, you expected not to care, since you knew this was gonna happen anyway. But you couldn't stop your self from flying full speed at Pan, causing a mass gust of wind as you embrace her in your arms. Much to everyone's surprise.

Y/N(16): PAAAAAN!!!!!!!

  You hug onto her tightly as you feel your eyes well up with tears. Pan was surprised at first, but smiles as she hugs you back.

Pan(16): H-Hey Uncle. Good to see you too.

Y/N(16): Are you alright! You aren't traumatized in any way right? I swear I'll rip Bojack limb from limb, rip out his guts and stuff them right through his-


  You look around at the others of your universe giving you a sly smirk. Especially 21, Goten, Trunks, and Bra.

Y/N(16): . . . I mean. *cough* I'm glad you're alright.

  Bra walks over to you and Pan kneeling down a bit as she hugs onto you and Pan as well, whispering something into your ear.

Bra(16): Glad to see you aren't totally heartless.

  You smile to yourself as you hug onto both girls, holding them ever so closely. Time goes on as you all decide to rest up for the night before the third round. With how the rooms were, you found some comfort resting with the others for the night.

  As you are in your head, dreaming about earth, it reminds you that this is the longest you haven't been home. You wondered how your mother was doing, how Bulma was doing. Your dream took you to a familiar event, you were at the mall with Pan, Bra, and Marron.

Y/N: This is so boring.

Bra: Tell me about it. I'd literally rather do anything else. Why did I agree to this.

Y/N: Because Marron and Pan made me go, so I thought you'd like to come along and be miserable with me.

  Bra snickers at your little idea.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2023 ⏰

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