Chapter 15: Gotenks Mirror Battle / Bra's Self Control

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  You and Zen Buu clash while he feels your ki while in your base form.

Zen Buu: Even without the Super Saiyan transformation, you are incredibly strong.

Y/N(16): Thank you, the same can be said for you. However.

  You turn your head as you shoot beams from your eyes destroying a piece of Buu that was headed for Broly.

Y/N(16): I'm not so gullible.

  Buu smiled as he went in for a punch. You duck under his attack and deliver a high kick to his chin. You quickly close the gap between the two of you as your clash echoes throughout the empty vacuum of space.

Zen Buu: You are an interesting saiyan. What would you say to a little, compromise?

  You lower your guard a bit and look at the Majin with crossed arms.

Y/N(16): I'm listening.

  While you fight Buu while simultaneously defend Broly from being absorbed. Vegito stares on into the emptiness of space from the arena. He can feel your fight with the Majin all the way from the arena, so in turn, he quickly turns to Bra, Gohan, and both 21's.

Vegito: You four, if we need your assistance then I will power up to where you should be able to use instant transmission to us, there is something I have to do.

  Without another word, Vegito raises his fingers to his head and teleports out of the arena.

  Meanwhile, you and Buu continue your clash and stare at one another while trying to overpower the other.

Zen Buu: You saiyans have a lot of power. With my research, your power could go even beyond the third level.

Y/N(16): I know, I am able to access a form with divine ki, but I am unable to reach that state again.

  Buu stares amazed as his smile grows.

Y/N(16): But if you have so much wisdom, would you be able to help me draw it out again?

Zen Buu: I never even knew saiyans could achieve such a form, but I could offer another boost in strength maybe if-

  Buu gut punches you knocking some of the wind out of your stomach, then just as he is about to deliver another hit, Vegito appears and catches his fist.

Vegito: Get the hell away from my son.

  He speaks to the Majin telepathically of course.

  Buu frowns in annoyance as you quickly use instant transmission to go back to the arena to catch your breath.

  Once there, you inhale more oxygen and before anyone can say anything to you, you teleport back to the fight.

Bra(16) . . . What the hell is going on out there?

Gohan(16): Something important probably. But we have to wait for dad's signal.

  You arrive back with Buu and Vegito and hit Buu with a round house kick to the side of his head, surprising both him and Vegito.

Y/N(16): I can handle him until the Vargas send Broly back. You just stay put, make sure no pieces of him get near Broly and make sure no one gets in my way.

  You fly off after Buu as your fight continues as Vegito looks at you with a slightly confused look at first, but a smile of pride seconds later.

  Buu catches both of your fists as you feel his power increase.

Zen Buu: You said before that you wanted to test something. Then get serious and show me what it is you. I know you're stronger than this.

  You spread your arms out forcing him closer as you drive your knee into his stomach, then deliver a flurry of fast kicks (like Chun Li, but with both legs) until he releases your wrists.

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