Chapter 11

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"Are you alone, young lady?"

I looked to the side and saw two men standing at a distance gazing at me.

Don't tell me I got myself into another misfortune....

What a dumb way to die.

"No, I am not", I replied and they instantly looked back at each other.

I should get out of here before I get myself into any more trouble.

I took a few steps forward but soon got stopped as someone obstructed my way.

I glanced up and saw one of the man from before standing right in front of me blocking my way with a grin on his face.

"How about joining us? Let's have fun together", He said and other one joined him as well.

"No, I don't think I am interested in joining. Now, if you excuse me", with that I was about to walk past them until one of them grasped my arm.

"What are you doing? Let go off my hand", I demanded and they laughed at my words.

"Let you go? Just like that? Atleast have fun with us before leaving", the one clutching onto my arm said.

"Let go", I jerked his hand away from me, making his smile fade within seconds.

"You need to be disciplined", The man growled as he seized my arm again but this time with more strength making me groan in pain.

"I said let me go! My boyfriend is on his way here", I spoke up again.

I said that just to frighten them away who knows maybe after hearing that they might let me go.

"Are you trying to fool us?", the man asked taking a look at my face.

Looking at him it didn't seem like he was convinced by any of my words.

Witless decision? Yes.

I hate my life nothing is going on right. The more i try to avoid problems the more i am facing them.

Now someone please tell me how to get rid of them?

"There is no one with you", the man replied and continued again, "It will be better if you focus on pleasing us", he finished.

Please, you?

Bitterness rushed through my veins making it intolerable to hold in my wrath to myself anymore.

"I am---"

"Hands off her, right now", A loud and deep male voice declared making me turn my head to the back to take a look at who it was.

And seeing the person standing there my eyes widened in astonishment.

"He? What is he doing here?", I thought to myself as I goggled at him. I couldn't think straight anymore.

The more I intend to run away from all the negative aspects of my life the more I tend to attract them it seems.

He noticed my stare on him and glanced back at me. Our eyes got locked until one of those men spoke up again.

"Who the fuck are you?", one of those men spoke up. "Mind your own business and walk away or you want to get beaten up?", they added and started laughing at their words.

His lips curled up into a smirk as he moved toward us. And taking the chance he took a hold of me and pulled me back towards him making me fall into his arms.

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