Chapter 14

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What is he up to this time?

I couldn't figure out what this man was planning to do next. I already paid off the amount he asked what does he need?

"What are you trying to do?", I raised a question but instead of answering he ignored it and continued to take steps in my direction. Standing a few inches away from me he locked his brown gaze on me.

I broke into a sweat while my heart pounded, and my hands began to feel clammy. His stare at me was enough to make me nervous. His aura is too powerful. I broke eye contact with him and looked the other way.

[Author's pov]:

His hand reaches out for her waist as he pulls her closer to him, making her dash against his strong chest. The sudden act made y/n gasp and look back at him again.

"What are you-"

"You smell good", he cuts her sentence short.

Y/n was left stunned by his words as she stares at him for a brief moment but soon comes back to her senses and tries to separate herself from him.

"Mr. Jeon, please be respectful-"

"Don't worry, I'm not going to eat you up", Jungkook sees her struggle in an attempt to set herself free from his grip. Y/n quickly stops at his words and raises her head up again to have a look at his face.

The uneasiness could be clearly seen in her eyes. She was trying to act all calm but it was of no use. She couldn't act. And upon seeing that a mischievous smirk formed on his lips.

"Just be with me. I can give you whatever you want", his deep voice declared while she went silent. "I don't even need this money. You can have it. Just be with me and let me spoil you", his next words said.

There was silence between the two while he tried to read her expressions. "I can't be with you. I already have a boyfriend and I love him", she replied firmly, looking straight into his eyes. At least after hearing this, he might give up on his crazy demand, that's what she thought.

Silence in the room. He just silently gazed in her eyes while she thought this time he definitely gave up but his reply left her stunned.

"What if I steal you from him?"

She was completely taken aback by his words and he could clearly see the nervousness in her eyes, one has after telling a lie. And he was enjoying it.

She was lost for words as she broke eye contact with him, she didn't expect him to blurt out something like that. She nervously gulped and took a moment to think. And soon looked up again.

"I am not a thing...that you can steal. my boyfriend and like I said before "let's not see each other again in future", she hesitated and took the chance to quickly separate herself from him.

Jungkook silently watched her actions without reacting much to her words. As if it didn't affect him in any way. Y/n nervously waited on him to say something. His silence was enough to make her anxious.

"It will be you", he uttered after a moment of brief silence which made her finally glance up at him. He had his usual smirk on his face as he tugged his hands in his trousers pocket.

Her brows crashed together as she couldn't understand what he was trying to imply by that. The sort of reactions he got from her were exciting him more and more and making him more inquisitive in her but that was something she was clueless about.

He lets out a small laugh after scanning her face and turning around, and begins walking back towards his seat.

Sitting back on his chair while facing Y/n he again opens his mouth to finish his incomplete statement.

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