Chapter 1

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A boy walking on road with his three years son who is looking sad and sitting with a cute pout

Jimin : whoon baby i will give you next time why are you angry on me you know i don't like it when a cute boy is angry on me

He look at eunwoo who is look at otherside

Jimin : baby i am getting late for office and you also want to come with me then how. could it possible hey whoon atleast look at me

Eunwoo: no mama is bad *he started crying

Jimin take eunwoo in his arms and

Jimin : okay let's go and get you i e cream okay now happy ( He looked at his son who's eyes get sparkled )

Eunwoo: thanks mama you are so nice i love you


AFTER THEY Reched and jimin straight go to his office and start working until someone knock

Lady1 : mr. Park sir is calling you
Jimin : okay i am coming
Jimin go to his boss or sir canbin and he saw a sad face

Jimin and jungkook always have a good relationship jungkook help him so much
They are friends more like brothers

Jimin :jungkook did you call

Kook : yes jimin i transferred you to another company because your work is really great and we appreciate that hope you don't mind 'he said looking at jimin who is CONFUSED why jungkook did that

Kook: jimin are you listening to what i am saying you are going to min INDUSTRY
They are one of the best companies in korea

Jimin don't want to say no he don't his to disappointed so he said yes

Jimin : sure jungkook i will but you know eunwoo can I take my son there 'he said with nervousness

Kook: sure jimin you can 'he said with pout jimin giggles and hug him

Jimin : ahh i miss you too kook and where is my boy and his biy

Kook : aish jimin you know he and his father like

After chatting with kook he back to his cabin and look at his son who is sleeping on chair he smile and took eunwoo in his arms and start working


After work they both are going to home eunwoo don't want to go home he don't like me. Park and mrs. Park

Jimin : baby it's okay let's go mama is with you

Now jimin is standing in front of a huge building MIN COPRATION BIGGEST AND SUCCESS FULL COMPANY OF SOUTH KOREAN

Jimin look at eunwoo who was eating ice cream

Jimin : baby watch you mouth eat fast and come here 'he wipe eunwoo lip with tissue now he standing and talking with reseption

Jimin : hello miss where is mr. Min canbin

Reception: sure sir you must be me. Park come with me

Jimin nodded and followed her with eunwoo in his arms
Reception lady : mr. Min can we come in mr park is here your new secretary

Yoongi: okay you can go Miss Lee 'she left yoongi look at jimin

Yoongi: so mr.park you have to start work from today as my secretary and your cabin is right beside mine cabin you can go and i don't want any mistake

...... To be continue

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