Chapter 19

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😤(I'm angry)
Eunwoo: mama

Jimin: yes baby
'said while looking at screen '

Eunwoo: why can't whoon come with you

Jimin: Whoon you know it's for big people not for baby

Eunwoo: But I'm big boy

Jimin: yes you're but still baby for mama

Eunwoo: mama but taetae is big big then why kook uncle call taetae. "bawbe"

Jimin: stop talking non sense

Eunwoo: when we are going home

Jimin: just wait

Eunwoo: Mamaaaaaa I'm slewpy

Jimin: come here baby ' eunwoo sit on jimin' lap put his head on jimin's chest' "sleep now"

Eunwoo: love you mawma

Jimin: mama loves you too

Eunwoo drift into sleep

Jimin: Yesss done let me submit it to Mr.min

He silighty put eunwoo on chair and come out of his cabin

Jimin: may i come in sir

Yoongi: yes jimin

Jimin: i have done this work also your schedule is clear

Yoongi: Oh ok you can leave

Jimin: Sure sir * he leave*

Jimin: That cold man why don't he ask me for something

He was in his own thoughts when he saw someone was standing infront of his office

Jimin: Who Are you Mr

The man look at jimin he was wearing mask

Jimin : I'm talking to you what are you doing 'he walk towards the man who run away from there

Jimin: insane wait whoon ' he entered in cabin found eunwoo there '

Jimin: Thank God who is he he's not -


Jimin: Take care of hi-

Tae: And don't let him eat something unhealthy i know jimin

Jimin: Still

Tae: you're worried about him don't worry he's with me

Jimin: Yeah and that's problem you will buy anything for him because of his innocent eyes

Tae: i will not i promise

Jimin: Yes and


jimin: Fuck

Tae: You too NOW go you will late for party

Jimin: Yeah. Bye
Jimin was waiting for yoongi at spot when he saw four boys of group looking at him

Boy 1 : come we will drop you

Jimin: No thank you someone is coming

Boy2: Why we can drop you also if you want we can enjoy babe

Jimin: Sorry I'm not interested go away please

Boy 1: but we are interested

Jimin was feeling uncomfortable with those boys when a boys said

Boy 1 : How much do you take for one night

Jimin: I told you I'm not interested you're making me uncomfortable please leave

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