Chapter 5

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Jimin was sitting there quietly with eunwoo in his arms suddenly jimin phone rang a smile appears on his face

Jimin : sir i am coming

Yoongi: okay

He said and jimin got up from seat and answered the video called

Jimin : hii tae i thought you forget me i been waiting for your call

Tae: sorry i am just busy we can meet up whenever you want and did eunwoo is sleeping

Jimin: yes he is but why?

Tae: aish my badluck taeguk is crying for him he want to meet him

Jimin: what really he is sleeping nd-

Tae: wait jimin is this your home background? Are you somewhere else

Jimin: yes i was 'he tell him everything except the hide and seek game part

Tae: that's great then

Jimin: yeah bye i am going i have to go office and also eunwoo is not feeling good

Tae:yeah okay bye

*They hang up and jimin go straight to kitchen only to see yoongi servings food on plates

Jimin: sir!!!! I can do that

Yoongi: it's done mr. Park sit i can do that

Jimin: okay

They started eating and jimin asked a question to yoongi

Jimin: um sir where is mrs. Min i didn't saw her

Yoongi: she died when Aera was 2 years

Jimin:what -i am so sorry sir

Yoongi: it's okay where is your husband or wife they must be waiting for you

Jimin:what i-i am. Not married sir

Yoongi:huh you are not married

Jimin:yes sir

Yoongi:okay sorry for asking

Jimin: it's okay he said with low voice

Jimin is now his way to home with eunwoo he know what gonna happen now he reached home and about go but stopped by

Mr. Park : where were you at night

Jimin: i was stuck at my boss house because of rain

Mr. Park: with boss or your boyfriend

Jimin: SHUT UP DAD *he said and received a slap from mr. Park

Mr. Park : don't you dare to shout on me JIMIN

jimin: tell me my fault it's not my fault he left me


jimin ran to his room and place eunwoo on bed he go to washroom with teary eyes he looked in mirror

Jimin: why why everyone hate me why it's not my fault i love him and he , he just left me 'after crying for anhour he finally fresh up and getting ready for office

Jimin:whoon baby wake up whoon wake up or i am leaving

Eunwoo: no don't leave me here

Jimin: aish okay let's go it's time for freshup right' eunwoo nodded and jump from bed jimin catch him and kissed his cheek

At office JIMIN was working and eunwoo playing

Jimin : i should check if sir have a meeting ~wait what I have to go whoon

Eunwoo:yes mama

Jimin came to him and cupped his face

Jimin : see don't go anywhere if someone came then don't go with them i have some work okay

Eunwoo: don't leave me

Jimin: oh baby i am not leaving just wait me here or you can go to the reception lady okay

Eunwoo: otay mama i will be a good boi

Jimin: yes my baby will okay bye love u will be back he said made his way to yoongi's cabin

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