Chapter 15

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Time skip

NEXT DAY jimin was getting ready for office and whoon who was watching phone while eating breakfast

Jimin: whoon

Eunwoo: yes

Jimin: do you wanna come with me at work or taetae house

Eunwoo: No with you

Jimin: hm

Eunwoo: mama this gift ?

Jimin: for Aera mr.min daughter

Eunwoo: that cat face man

Jimin: don't say like this

Eunwoo: but he's look like a cat

Jimin chuckled " yes a cat" he mumbled "whoon let's go "

Eunwoo: yesh


Jimin came out of car after picking up eunwoo who fell asleep

Jimin straight go to office and put eunwoo on desk and starting his work

When he heard a knock

Jimin: yes

Aera: mr.park

Jimin: Aera happy birthday girl

Aera: thank you mr.park umm dada is send me he's calling you

Jimin: i am coming ' he go towards eunwoo " whoon don't go anywhere"

(That's why tae said give " god please give mind to my bestie)

Aera: mr.park i will take care of him don't worry

Jimin chuckled" you're also a baby"

Aera: i will you go

Jimin: okay boss

Jimin: may i come in sir

Yoongi: yes mr.park cancel my all meeting

Jimin: ok sir but there's important meeting

Yoongi: mr.park do what i say cancel all of them we will see tomorrow wh-

Aera/eunwoo: Dad /mama

Jimin: baby?

Yoongi: Aera

Eunwoo: mama' he run straight to jimin arms'

Aera: dad we are going to amusement park right

Yoongi: is any of your friend coming?

Aera: No but mr.park will come with us

Jimin: ME? ' he said with shocked '

Aera: yes mr.park you promise me

Jimin: baby how can-

Yoongi: jimin you promised her if you promised them why are you not complet it okay Aera we are leaving now and mr.park you go too i will pick you from your place tell me

Jimin mind: is he order me or i am dumb? Or he is inviting me the fuck ahhhhh

Jimin processing while

Yoongi: JIMIN

jimin: y-yes sir

Yoongi : so you're coming right i will pick you up

Jimin: me n-

Aera: No please you promised me please 'she hug jimin'

Yoongi:hmm so ?

Jimin: okay sir i will

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