Chapter 8

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Jimin ran towards whoon and yoongi immediately come out


car hit eunwoo with speed that make jimin heartbeat stop and suga who is shock to see the scene jimin ran towards eunwoo who was lying on floor he pat eunwoo cheek

Jimin: w-who..on wa-ake up baby 'with teary eyes
Yoongi come toward them

Yoongi : get up Jimin let's go to hospital fast get up 'jimin didn't move and continuesly mumbling eunwhoo to wake up

Suga: PARK JIMIN GET UP 'he said making jimin flinched and stand up he take eunwoo from jimin "lets go for hospital first 'jimin run behind them they sat in car eunwoo is in jimin's arms

: w-wake up w-whoon ' he saw blood coming out from eunwoo head
" B-blo.od " he finally hug eunwoo while crying like a mess
" W-whoon don't close your eyes look at mama "he said but eunwoo was already pass out

"Bab-by wake up d-dont scared mama"

He said while crying hard

"B-baby" *crying

"Don't leave me" crying

Suga: We are here FAST 'he said take eunwoo with him and run towards enters while jimin was following them with crying hardly

Suga: THERE'S emergency We want doctor

Lady: sir wait please do-


lady: okay please sir come with me take patience with us

They follow


jimin was also about to enter-

Doctor: sorry but you can't come

Jimin: he is my son please

Doctor: we can't move from here
*Door closed*

Jimin was watching EUNWOO all the time from a transparent glass

Jimin:baby wake up

After:4 HOUR
Jimin was still standing there when a nurse come to him

Nurse: sir come with me you also look weak please

Jimin: no i am okay

Nurse: please -

Jimin: I DON'T WANT ANYTHING i-i just w-want m-my s-son

Suga came between them

Suga: you can go and jimin 'he look at jimin who was looking at eunwoo throw the glass

Jimin: h-he will not leave me right

Suga: no he won't stop crying 'he said but next moment jimin hug him tightly '

Jimin: t-thank yo-ou for everything*crying*. "you are such a good man sir-

Doctor: NURSE NURSE 'jimjn pull of from hug

Jimin: do-octr how's my son

Doctor:we can't say anything just wait-

Nurse: here's the injection

Suga: injection?

Doctor: patient is in serious matter we have to give injection to him that's only way or we can't say anything 'he left with nurse jimin fell on his knees and start crying

Jimin: w-what i-i did you to god y-you are punishing me *he stand up walk to the room and watch eunwoo throw a glass

"s-see god the wires w-why are you giving me this i-i will d-die if s-something happene to w-whoon p-please s-save him"


I know this is short 🫠💗💗 but i will upload soon next chapter bye snowflakes 💗

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