Chapter 32

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[ unedited ignore mistakes]

The meeting room was silent only jimin voice can be heard as he explains the project very nicely

Taemin and Yoongi's eyes were at him
Yoongi adores jimin every feature
Yoongi give a nod to jimin telling him

'You're doing good' jimin smiled and taemin obsivoualy noticed it

As after explained other clients clap for him as well jimin look at Yoongi who give him a smile and thump

'best' yoongi mouthed jimin smiled feeling his cheeks burn

"I will definitely love to continue this project with your company mr. Min the way your employees work and your secretary explains everything it shows why you're on top" The client got up as Yoongi too they shake hands as made a deal

"sure I will love to do work with your complete too " yoongi said

Now everybody was leaving when jimin was collecting his things as then yoongi gestured for him to wait

Taemin was actually waiting for jimin to come

"Why are you here taemin you can go it's almost time for lunch just 5 minutes left" yoongi asked

"u-uh nothing brother I'm going bye" taemin said and left with a last eye contact with jimin

After taemin left

"You're very nice jimin don't know how to explain this all" yoongi said and scratch his neck nervous

"Thank u sir " that's all jimin said and they both left room together

"Well are you busy" yoongi asked jimin look at him with frown

"Umm don't know maybe yes or maybe no well i have kids to take care it's so hard to be a baby sister and worker at same time" yoongi look at him as well jimin looked back then he realised what he just said

"Oh sorry i don't mean it-!" He said feeling himself embarassing

"Nah it's okay well almost lunch time would you ehh" yoongi stopped in middle as well jimin too

"Would i what?" Jimin asked

"Well how about we go on lunch outside?" Yoongi said in one breath

"W-what? Ah no I don't think it's a good idea" jimin said his cheeks burn again with a sudden proposal

" Park jimin You think my ideas are not good " yoongi said Sternly but in joke

"o-oh I'm sorry i don't know-" jimin said

"Hah it's was a joke " Yoongi laugh but now jimin was looking at him with (↼⁠_⁠↼⁠) yoongi stop laughing

"Well so ready? let's go outside for lunch whether is also good" he said jimin gasp

"ah- not actually you know eunwoo and taeyun I bring them" jimin said hesitately

"Bring them too-" yoongi couldn't finish when

"Dada!!" Jimin and Yoongi look at the direction to found aera running to them

"aera what are u-" again couldn't finish

"Oh my lord!!aera baby you look so beautiful!" Jimin exclaimed seeing aera

"Oh my lord!!aera baby you look so beautiful!" Jimin exclaimed seeing aera

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