Chapter 1

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"So that's done then" said Coraline behind the wheel, she was driving to the hotel in Seattle, where they ware currently staying.

"Can't believe this!" Wybie grunted in frustration. "That button maniac can't go from one end of the world to another!" He was swinging the map in his hands like it personally offended him. "This is the third time this month she tried to kidnap a child!"

"Stupid supernatural bullsh-" "WYBIE" interrupted Coraline "stop complaining and just find an orphanage somewhere near here, it's the most likely place where she will appear next" Coraline being the brain behind this, knew when her partner in crime was loosing it.

I mean who wouldn't? There was just two of them...just them, protecting every child they can from the other mother.

Coraline parked the car in the hotel parking lot and turned to her friend.

"I think we should check this one" Wybie pointed at a spot on the map, it was an orphanage in an area called Forks.

"Great, let's get going"


Coraline and Wybie put their things into the hotel room, they got the key and with their black cat companion, hurried back to the car and drove to the orphanage in Forks.

Coraline parked the car in front of the orphanage, once she turned the car off, Wybie opened the car door for himself and the Cat since he was sitting in the back seat, then he went around to open the trunk.
"What do you think?" Asked the bluenette, as she voiced her question Wybie picked up a pair of scissors and a container made of steel.

"Grabbing one container and scissors" he closed the trunk.

Walking to the front door, he put the container and scissors into his black bag. Coraline was already waiting for him, she was standing in front of the door with Cat in her hands. He handed the black bag to her.

"Ready?" Wybie asked.
Coraline sighed softly and faced the door.
"Do I look like it?" She answered, while Wybie opened the door.

"You look like you would rather be in a room filled with vampires than anywhere near here" the brown haired guy concluded as he walked ahead.

"That's an understatement" muttered the girl as she sat the cat down.

"Go" whispered Coraline to the cat, the black cat then trotted away out of her sight. He had a mission to find the door, Wybie has one to distract the adults with questions, and Coraline was supposed to find the affected child.

Seemed easy enough...

She walked the way her human companion disappeared few minutes ago, she went past the door she heard Wybie's voice from, past a kitchen, even past a library and continued to a room all the way in the back of the hallway. The room had yellow walls, tables and shelves full of toys. It was occupied with children playing and laughing together.

Coraline looked around when she saw a girl playing with a doll replica of herself, she was all alone in a far corner of the room. Away from the other children. When she looked closely she noticed the doll had black buttons for eyes.

That's her.

Coraline surpassed a shiver, she sceptically walked toward the little girl, even though everything in her being told her to get away from that doll, she forced herself to ignore it, and she sat down next to the girl on a small chair.

"That's a nice doll you have there" Coraline started the conversation with a soft voice, she didn't want to startle the small girl.

The small child looked at the older girl and her eyes immediately brightened.

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