Chapter 3

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Far away in a city called Voltera, three kings sat at their glorious thrones in their massive stone castle.

Every being in there was a creature of the night, a predator, a soulless beast. At least that's what people like to call them.

Well, it's not entirely true, because they do have a soul, only their soul was split in half, and the other half was given to someone else. Someone who will complete their entire existence. A soulmate.

A soulmate is a blessing in the supernatural world, it's something everyone respects. Unfortunately, they're individuals who don't, sometimes they claim someone else's mate just because they can.

That's why there are the volturi, a coven of vampires ruling over others and making sure vampires who brake the rules are punished accordingly.

When there is the topic of rule breakers, there are the Cullens. They sired an immortal child, breaking the second most important rule. Never sire an immortal child.

Turns out though, that there was a miracle and Bella's and Edward's daughter is not an immortal child, but a half human and half vampire hybrid.

There was not a lot of knowledge about these new types of species, so the kings took it upon themselves to monitor the child.

Every 6 months they go to the small town called Forks. To see the child's progress, and if she is turning out to be a threat.

This is the second year they are visiting, and Caius was already fusing.

"Dear Caius what's got you in such a sour mood this time?" Aro asked with a smile, finding his tendencies amusing.

"Explain to me, why do we have to travel all the way to their filthy little town, when we are the kings!? They should come to us!" He sat down on his throne with a scowl on his pale face.

Valid point

"They would feel threatened if we called them here, after all we are dealing with only a friendly visit" Aro explained calmly. He had to deal with his temper every time they had to visit.

"There is no need for hostility between us" Aro continued with a smile on his face as he clapped his hands, waiting for Demitri and Santiago to come to him.

"They are disgraceful imitation of vampires" Caius scoffed, not hiding his disgust with the vegetarian family.

"Peace brother" Aro waved him off and turned to talk to his elite guard instead, leaving the blonde vampire with his forever sulking face.

On the other side of Aro sat Marcus, their soul brother without a soul, he was looking into the bonds of his brothers and himself, sadly staring at the gold strand that was fading into nothingness the further he looked.

It was waiving softly as if wind was blowing from their direction. The reason why was because they didn't meet their soulmate, the strand didn't lock into a person. Therefore they didn't meet him or her.

The situation upset Marcus more than his brother's because he was the one who had to look at them every time he activated his gift, for him it was more like a curse.

The three strands ware connecting into one, which indicated that Marcus and his brothers shared their soulmate. It was a rare sight but not unheard of.

Marcus was snapped out of his gift by Aro standing up from his throne and walking down the stairs.

"Come brothers, the Cullen family is expecting us" With that Aro started walking towards the door which was opened for him by a lower guard.

"Great" Caius muttered and stood from his throne as well. "If we just killed them all, our problems would be solved" he stalked swiftly after the black haired Vampire.

The remaining brother sighed softly and rose from his throne next. "This will be a long visit" with those words the king speedily walked out of the throne room.
The lower guard closed the tall doors behind him, leaving the room empty.


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