•9 Abril 2023•

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Este domingo, los Príncipes de Wales, han acudido a la tradicional misa de Pascua, la cual se realiza dentro de la capilla de St.George, en el Castillo de Windsor, el matrimonio estuvo acompañado de sus cuatro hijos: Eleanor (14), George (9), Charlotte (7) y Louis (4); siendo el debut precisamente de este último.

Es la primera vez que el pequeño Louis, que en un par de semanas soplará cinco velas, asistía a un evento de estas características de manera oficial, acaparando las miradas y los flashes.

Hay muchos quiénes piensan que el menor de los Wales no debería aparecer en actos de esta índole teniendo en cuenta su edad, ya que ha hecho ser merecedor de multitud de fotografías por todos sus gestos, travesuras, muestras de impaciencia, risas estridentes y expresiones faciales; pero hay que tener en cuenta que esto es una práctica para el gran evento en el que acudirá el próximo 6 de mayo.

Como ya es costumbre la familia estuvo coordinada por colores en tonos azules, al igual que el Rey Charles III y Camilla, Reina Consorte, quienes debutaron como monarcas.

Otros miembros que también asistieron fueron: la Princesa Anne; el Duque de York; el Duque y la Duquesa de Edimburgo junto a su hijo James, Conde de Wessex; la Princesa Eugenie y su esposo Jack Brooksbank; la Princesa Beatrice y su esposo Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi; Peter Phillips; Zara y Mike Tindall y sus hijas Mia y Lena.



This Sunday, the Prince and Princess of Wales attended the traditional Easter Mass, which is held in St. George's Chapel at Windsor Castle, the couple was accompanied by their four children: Eleanor (14), George (9), Charlotte (7) and Louis (4); being the debut precisely of the latter.

It is the first time that little Louis, who in a couple of weeks will blow out five candles, attended an event of these characteristics in an official way, capturing the attention and the flashes.

There are many who think that the youngest of the Wales should not appear in acts of this nature taking into account his age, since he has become worthy of many photographs for all his gestures, antics, signs of impatience, strident laughter and facial expressions; but we must take into account that this is a practice for the big event in which he will attend on May 6.

As usual, the family was color-coordinated in shades of blue, as were King Charles III and Camilla, Queen Consort, who made their debut as monarchs.

Other members who also attended were: Princess Anne; the Duke of York; the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh with their son James, Earl of Wessex; Princess Eugenie and her husband Jack Brooksbank; Princess Beatrice and her husband Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi; Peter Phillips; Zara and Mike Tindall and their daughters Mia and Lena.

Other members who also attended were: Princess Anne; the Duke of York; the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh with their son James, Earl of Wessex; Princess Eugenie and her husband Jack Brooksbank; Princess Beatrice and her husband Edoardo Mapelli Mozz...

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