Chapter 1

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"Are you nervous, sweetie?" Minseok's step-mom, Joy, asked sweetly. Minseok just grunted in the passenger seat of the family Pontiac he wasn't allowed to drive. He was nervous but he we wasn't going to respond to 'sweetie'. Especially not from her. Joy patted her step son's leg who in turn shifted away from her. She frowned but went back to driving.

"Don't worry, darling. I'm sure you'll meet plenty of new friends. It'll be even better here than at your old school." She tried to reason with him. Minseok let out another grunt and Joy accepted that she wouldn't get a real response from him. They pulled up to a large white and red building. It looked shiny and new, but also cold and uninviting. Minseok grimaced at the sight of the unwelcoming building. Joy gave him a sympathetic look.

"I really am sorry, Minseok. If we could've stayed in Guri, we would have. But this is a great opportunity for your father, and we need to honor that. Besides, maybe you'll like it here." She tried to explain to Minseok. He scoffed.

"I know, but I'm not going to like it here. Nothing can change that." He spat on his way out of the car. He slammed the door shut and hiked up his bag on his shoulder.

"Have a good day! I love you!" Joy shouted out the window as the teen walked away. Minseok could feel the anger boiling inside him and it was all he could do not to flip her off. There wasn't really that much wrong with Joy, to be honest. She was sweet and loving, and was a good substitute for a mother, but Minseok still hated her. He wanted his own mom back, but he knew that would never happen. So he just had to deal with Joy's joy for a few more years until he moved out. Then he'd never have to see her or his traitor of a father ever again. Minseok's mom died 4 years ago. She had been sick and fragile for a long time but it was a car crash that ended it for her. Minseok was very close with his mother, and was devastated when he learned of his fathers girlfriend. It had only taken 8 months and a business trip to the Philippines for his father to get over his dead wife and find a new girlfriend. He had met Joy on that trip and fell in love with her. Instead of bringing his son home a t-shirt, or a snow globe, or a key chain, he brought home a fiancé. And that's why Minseok hated her. When he heard the car pull away he turned around and began walking backwards, watching the car drive away.

"Go to hell, bitch!" He shouted after it, but made sure she couldn't hear him. He smirked and turned back around right into a broad and firm chest. He stumbled back and fell on his butt. Minseok looked up and squinted at the dark figure in front of him with the glaring sun shining from behind. He saw a hand reach out in front of him and he took it. The figure pulled him up onto his feet and Minseok brushed off his uniform.

"You must be the newbie, huh?" The guy said. Minseok nodded at him. The guy was tall. Really tall. Like really really tall. He must've been at least 6 feet. Minseok felt small in comparison. Well, he had always felt small, but the point still stands, this guy was huge. He cleared his throat and held his hand out.

"I'm Kim Minseok." He said politely. The boy scoffed and looked at him condescendingly. Minseok gulped and awkwardly lowered his hand.

"Kris." He introduced himself back. Minseok raised an eyebrow.

"Just Kris?" He asked. Kris scoffed.

"Yeah, newbie, Just. Kris." He spat. Minseok looked down and stifled a small laugh. Kris scowled and grabbed hold of his sweater vest.

"You have a problem with my name?" He growled.

"No, it's just, you don't have a surname?" Kris laughed.

"Like I'm going to tell you my name. You have a lot of nerve, newbie." Kris scowled. Minseok shrugged, like he didn't care. Kris grumbled and turned to walk away. Minseok shouted after him.

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