Chapter 7

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Minseok rolled over in bed and covered his face with a pillow. The light from his overhead fan flicked on and he groaned.

"Come one now, Minseok. You don't want to be late on your second day, do you?" Joy called out. Minseok bit his lip. He wanted to tell her he would love that but he kept quiet. Joy frowned and walked next to Minseok's bed.

"Minseok, it's time to wake up." She said with a bit more authority. Minseok had to take a deep breath in to keep from laughing. She actually thought she could influence him. He lifted the pillow enough for her to hear his voice.

"I'm sick." He croaked out. Joy made a weird face. She snatched the pillow out if his hands and laid the back of her hand on his forehead.

"You feel a little warm." She said, squatting beside the bed.

"Oh you poor thing. Stay tight and I'll go make you some tea. I'll let your father know you're staying home today." She stood up and hurried out of Minseok's room. Minseok cursed to himself and got out of bed. His dad wouldn't let him stay home, why should he even try?

"KIM MINSEOK GET OUT OF BED NOW!" Minseok jumped and threw on his clothes. He left his room and slammed the door.

"I'm up you don't have to yell, Jesus Christ." He snapped as he grabbed an apple from a fruit bowl on the kitchen counter. Minseok's father scowled at him.

"You don't have to lie." He countered. Minseok rolled his eyes.

"Whatever you say, dad." He chuckled. There was an awkward moment of silence between the two men. Joy cleared her throat and Minseok looked up.

"I'll be in the car." He mumbled as he left the room. Joy eyed her husband. He shrugged his shoulders.

"What?" Joy scoffed in disbelief.

"You can't at least TRY to get along in the morning?" She asked. Mr. Kim just brushed off her concern and went back to eating his breakfast. Joy sighed and left to drive Minseok to school. The car ride was quiet until Joy pulled onto the street of Minseok's school.

"Why do you have such trouble getting along with your father?" Joy asked. Minseok rolled his eyes.

"What's it to you?" He snapped. Joy scowled and harshly pulled the car over to the curb. Minseok jerked.

"Ow! Jesus Christ what the hell, Joy?!" He shouted. Joy turned to him and slapped his arm hard. Minseok held his arm and stared at Joy, his mouth wide open.

"Why can't you try to make the best of this situation? I swear to God Minseok you are so damn stubborn. You have the worst attitude I've ever seen in a teenager. I know this sucks, I do! I really do understand. Moving here to the richest place in Korea is a culture shock for you but have you ever stopped to think about how I feel? I'm in a whole new country speaking a language I'm terrible at all the time. People look at me here like I'm a damn alien! At least you could pass for belonging here. You have no appreciation for the work your father and I are doing to help you. Now I want you to get in that school, make some friends, get a new outlook on your situation, and the second you get home you are going to apologize to your father and then we're going to Gongchou for a nice family dinner! Now get the hell out of this car!" Joy was shouting at this point. Minseok was completely speechless. He felt his eyes itch with a few tears threatening to show weakness. He quickly got out of the car and walked towards the school. Joy sighed and pulled away from the curb and went off to work. Minseok knew he wasn't going to be able to keep his tears back for much longer so he ducked behind a bush beside the school. His bag slipped off his shoulder and he began to cry. He wanted to stop and just go to class but he couldn't. The tears just kept coming and he had no control over them. He heard footsteps coming up the walk to the entrance. He sniffed and stifled the noises he made. The footsteps stopped. Minseok held his breath. If it was one of those damn Chinese kids he was done for. He couldn't let them find out he was sobbing under a bush at school. He felt so pathetic. The footsteps made their way towards him. He would get up and run but whoever it was would see him for sure.

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