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i lay on my couch with a blanket over me, home alone. my mind is blank, yet also overthinking. why can't i be happy? why do i live in a constant state of depression? why did this have to happen to me?
i think about last week.
no one knows what actually happened. they know we were in there together but they don't know what he did to me.

me and connor have been dating for almost a year. we've never done anything because i've never been ready. he was sweet to me about it at first but overtime he got upset i that i wouldn't do anything too sexual with him. last friday at kara's party we went upstairs because we were both drunk. but the thing is, i get crazy when i'm drunk, but i always remember everything.

i laugh as i stumble up the stairs with connors hand in mine. he grabs my waist is i wobble across the hallway to find an empty bedroom,
the first one i open is empty so i turn the handle as i look up to him with a loopy smile on my face clearly not thinking. he spins me by my waist to face him as my body leans into the door behind me. he locks our lips and walks me into the room, shutting the door behind him as i land back on the bed.
"your're so hot luna" he says lowly, and i drunkenly giggle. he leans down over me in between my legs to kiss me as his fingers reach for my pants. when his finger go down my pants and start to pull down i grab his hand.
"wait" i say out of breath but he groans in annoyance presses his lips on mine to shut me up. he pulls down my pants further and unbuckles his jeans.
"wait connor please"
"oh my god. shut up for once in your fucking life" i try closing my legs be the forces them back down.
"stop i dont want to-" i'm interrupted when his hand reaches to my face and covers my mouth.
by the time i actually comprehend what's about to happen he's already gone there. his hands are choking me so i'm just barely able to breath while he is on top of me. i'm unable to scream for help, my heart is racing and i my head is starting to throb in pain. everywhere hurts. my eyes go white an my ears are ringing. my body falls loose and limp like a doll. i can still feel everything that is happening. i can't breathe, speak, see, or hear, i just feel pain.
ten minutes at least have passed and i feel my face on sheets so im assuming i've flipped over. everything stops. i can breathe now but it's hard, still can't see or hear. there's nothing. is it over? am i dead? my sight slowly comes back after a few minutes. i get up slowly to see nobody else in the room, just my clothes on the floor. tears are streaming down my face and i feel like im going to vomit. i put my clothes on and sprint down the stairs and out the door.

i stand up so fast from my spot on the couch and sprint to the bathroom. i open to toilet seat and vomit.
when i sit back up i run my fingers through my hair and to the side to get it out of my face. i take a deep breath when i close my eyes, still sitting on the bathroom floor in front of the toilet.
it makes me sick just thinking about it. i look down at my hands to see them trembling. i squeeze them into fists to try to make it stop but it doesn't work.
i stand up from the bathroom floor and rinse my mouth out with water then go back to the couch. i haven't eaten in three days. i don't have an appetite.
i'm starving but i don't feel like eating anything so i've lost 8lbs in 72 hours.

i call my mom to ask her when she gets home from work and she picks up right away.

hey what's up i'm busy
sorry, i was just wondering what time you get home tonight
i'm not sure
oh, okay..
i'm sorry Luna, i know i havent been home but i need to stay here
it's fine don't worry about it mom, i understand.
i have to go, i'm being paged. i love you there's pizza in the fridge.
yup, love you too.
- - -

my dad has never been in the picture, i grew up knowing he was a heroin addict so my mom never let me near him. i was five when my mom finally kicked him out, they always fought and even though i was five i remember it getting violent. she's been a single mother for 11 years, but working as an ER nurse for 3 years. i've gotten used to having to feed myself almost every other night, but it doesn't mean i enjoy it. i just go with it because she works her ass of to support me as her daughter.

it's school vacation and i go back on monday. today is saturday and all i've done for the past week is sit on the couch and either sleep or watch tv.
at school i don't really have any specific friends, but i know a lot of people who i'm friendly with. i'm closest with adriana but we never really hang out. she's always talking about some triplets at our school and how they're so hot or something but i don't even really remember their names. i remember one because i have a cousin named christopher but not the other ones.

when i say i havent told anyone about last fire day night, i mean i have never opened my mouth about it.
i facetime adriana for a few hours and eventually hang up. it's already midnight so i grab my blanket and walk up the stairs to my bedroom. it's funny because i know i'm not going to be able to sleep but i go up anyway.
i play chill music on my speaker but still i'm awake. i've slept about 3 hours in the past week.

i havent talked to connor at all since what happened. he's texted me but i've just been ignoring his texts. i lose track of time while i soak in my thoughts for the rest of the night.

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