nova ml ~ 4

805 7 2

it's now tuesday and my mom brought me to dunkin to eat because she wants me to eat.
after that she takes me to school and as i'm walking by the office, a guidance counselor stops me.
"hey luna, can i talk to you for a second"
"uhm.. yeah sure"

he nods his head for me to follow him in the door, so i do. when i get in there i'm led to one of the rooms. i'm surprised when i see another girl in it.
"luna this is nova. she's new to somerville high school and we thought you'd be a good person to show her around" an older woman says to me.
"oh okay, hi nova i'm luna" i say to the girl as look over and wave slightly. "nova is such a pretty name" i compliment.
"thank you" she says with a genuine smile on her face.
"so when i say showing her around, take a look at her schedule and show her the rooms, sit with her at lunch, introduce her to a few people, just make her feel welcome."
"got it" i nod.
nova stands up and so do i, heading for the door. i walk next to her in silence for a few seconds thinking of how to start a conversation.

"so where did you move from?"
"uh, south carolina"
"no way, i lived there then moved here when i was six"
"that's so cool, i grew up in Conway. i went to conway elementary too."
"that's crazy. did you have mrs. forter in first grade?"
"actually, yeah."
"no fuckin way bro"
"shit man that's crazy"

we pause for a few seconds, not knowing what else to talk about.
"why'd you move all the way here?" i ask her
"uhm, family stuff"
"oh. i'm sorry."
"don't worry about it. my mom caught my dad cheating in her with a girl 3 years older than me, so she moved out here immediately because my uncle lives here"
"what about you?"
"we'll same kinda thing. my dad left when i was really little and it just got too expensive to live in that house so we came here. my aunt lives here so we came to live with her for a few years before my mom was like financially stable enough to provide for us. she still works her ass off though"
"oh, i'm sorry about your dad"
"he can legitimately fuck himself, i honestly couldn't give a fuck less about him."
she smiles

it felt a little awkward telling someone i met minutes ago my whole life story that i never really open up about. but strangely it felt good to open up to someone i was around when i was little. it felt good to talk to her.
we get to the first class she has and it's the room next to my period one. mrs doran's room.

i give her the rest of the tour pretty quick, and when i see Adriana talking to some guy in the hall we go up to her.
"hey adri this is nova. it's her first day."
"oh my god nova is such a pretty name and it totally suits you. your gorgeous."
"oh my god thank you" she smiles
"did you like give her a tour" adri asks me
"yeah we're pretty much done"
"ok nova i'm gonna take you to meet some people" adriana puts her arm around nova and leads her to somewhere else.

there was definitely a little thing happening there i don't know what it was but i felt it. i go say hi to nick when i see him talking to alahna.

"hey nick, hey alahna" i say as i approach them
"heyyy luna" nick says. he came up with the nickname yesterday.
"lunaaa" alahna hugs me "i have fucking spanish today"
i wince in imaginary pain to go along with alahna.

i spend the rest of my free time with them before the bell rings then i go to my seat.

it's gone by so slowly that is only third period and it feels like it's been 12 hours.
"luna?" i hear a voice beside me and look over
"chris? wait you have history third period?"
"we'll it appears so. how do we not fucking know we were in the same class." he moves around me and sits beside me.
"i honestly have no idea" i laugh and my eyes follow him.
"oh by the way this is my seat from now on. fuck whoever was here before"
i laugh again

as chris came in the time sped up a little. it was fun, he made me feel better.
in no time it was lunch and j found nova. it was the first time me, adriana, nick, matt, chris, plus nova all sat together.
we sat at at the same long table in this order.

matt chris nova
nick luna adriana

i was happy got to sit next to both nick and adriana, and i'm happy nova is here too. she seems really nice.
we all talked about nova and i knowing each other since at least first grade.

later after i got home from school i went up to my room. i got in the shower and played music, did skincare, including micro blading my face.
then i dried my hair out the most i could with a towel and scrolled through my phone.

after a while i got a text from matt saying he's bored and wants to talk to me.
so i facetime him and go to my desk with a ring light i keep there.

"yo i just journaled for the first time in years"
"i was actually thinking about doing that later"
"you should"
"what if i do it now"
"go for it"

i get up to grab my notebook then bring it back to the desk.
i get a pencil from my drawer and start with
'today i made a new friend'
but then get stuck

"what the fuck am i supposed to writing"
"anything that comes to your head i guess"
"but my head is empty" i whine
"so talk about your day instead"
"ooo i know"
he chuckles a little bit.

matt and i sit on facetime making smile conversation from time to time. i'm sitting cross legged in my spiny chair with the notebook in my lap writing away, while matt is on his PC quietly minding his business.

after i have quite a bit done in my book i start up a conversation again.

"do you like nova?"
"yeah she's cool"
"isn't she so pretty?"
"i mean yeah she's attractive"
"sooo do you like nova?"
"i don't have a thing for her if that's what your implying. yeah she's cute but she's not my type you know?"
"yeah i get that. your obviously attractive but that doesn't mean i'm attracted to you."
"exactly. but yeah, novas cool"
i smile at him saying that.
"ok this might be like really weird but i have a major gaydar and i had the feeling that nova was setting it off just a little bit. like not the way she acted or anything, like just a vibe. like an aura."
"wait you got that from her too?"

matt and i continued talking for a while until chris came in and told him they were leaving to go out to dinner with their mom and dad.
that's around when my mom came home and she had brought take out from a tai food place.

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