lonely ~ 5

751 5 2

it's been a few weeks since we met nova, the triplets, adriana, nova and i have hung out a lot. adriana and nova have gotten really close too.
it feels good to finally be in an official friend group, we do almost everything together.

today nova, adriana and i went to the mall, so we're all staying the night at the boys' house.
we're just wandering around for the most part. i really don't like shopping but i wanted to hang out with nova and adri so i'm making the best out of it.
we've been here for a while at it's already four.
"holy shit i'm getting hungry" adri says.
"same, do we want to go to the food court or go somewhere else?"
"i'm fine with food court" adri answers.

we find a table at the food court and adri goes to the bathroom with nova.
"hey so you mind calling nick matt and chris to see if they want anything?" nova asks as they stand up"
"sure no problem"

i call nick
"sorry i can't get to the phone right now, i'll call you as soon as i can" ---

well i hang up because nick never checks his voice mail, so i call matt.
"xxx-xxx-xxxx can't reach the phone right now, and their mailbox is currently full. goodbye" an automated voice says through the speaker. so i don't even have the option to leave a message.
i call chris
"hey luna," he picks up on the first ring
"hi chris, where are your brothers?"
"nick is in the shower and matt is outside, what's up?"
"we're at the food court at the mall do you guys want anything?"
"oooo yeah can you get me orange chicken from panda express?"
"yeah" i laugh. "anything else?"
"nah we got drinks here"
"ok what about nick and matt"
"uhhh, let me find them"
he walks around the house with his phone in hand, stopping at the bathroom and i hear water running.
"nick do you want anything for food at the mall?"
"what did you get"
"panda express"
"ok can i do chow mein and orange chicken?"
"yeah" i say and chris leaves the bathroom
chris is walking around again and now out the door.
"matt!" chris yells as if he's far away
"say hi to luna" he flips the camera so matt can see me.
he's standing next to jimmy in the shed working on something.
"lunaaa" he runs over and grabs the phone from chris "what's up?"
"we'll i tried calling you but you didn't answer"
"yeah my phone is by my bed i was on it all night"
"oh. well nova adri and i are at the food court do you want anything?"
"orange chicken for sure, maybe a lemonade"
"no root beer?"
"not feelin it" he shakes his head
i laugh "ok"
chris yanks his phone back from matt
"chris what the hell!" matt yells
chris looks down at the camera giving me a big sweet smile.
"i was talking to matt" i laugh
"but your mine now" he keeps his smile as he walks back inside.
"okay i'll talk to you later. nova and adri are coming back"
"ok see you soon"
"mhm, love you bye"
"love youuu"

he hangs up

"they all want panda express"
"we'll me too" nova says
they start walking away and i get up to follow them. when i'm hanging out with them, i feel like i'm third wheeling. like i don't really belong.

i catch up to them in line and we order our food

nova gets a bowl of chow mein and orange chicken,
adri gets the same thing,
nick gets the same thing
matt gets orange chicken and a lemonade
chris gets orange chicken
i get a tiny container of orange chicken

we go to my truck and adri and nova sit in the back.
we start doing to the triplets house with everything and i feel like a parent driving two kids around. i'm not really enjoying myself right now.

we get to the triplets house and matt greets us at the door. nick is in his room and chris is at the counter, adriana and nova immediately go to nicks room. i put my keys on the counter and sigh loudly.
"you good?" chris raises his eyebrows and smiles at me
"i think i'll be ok. i swear hanging out with those two is like being a parent trying to keep their kids from running off."
matt rubs my back
"we'll we're here now you can take a break"
"thank god"

i get the food from the bag and grab nicks. i walk in there to see nova holding a shirt to her chest. i hand nick his food and hug him but he seems busy so i don't want to bother him...

i walk over into the living room plop my ass down on the couch.
after matt and chris agent their food, they follow me.
"what did you eat?" chris asks me as he sits next to my head.
"orange chicken" i mumble
"you need more than just that. i can make fried rice"
"i really am not hungry chris"
"i don't care if your hungry, you need to eat"
"cmon you need to" matt says
"you guys don't need to worry about me. i'm fine"
chris sighs and gets the remote.
"what do you wanna watch?"
"the scream movies. all of them" i demand
"okay" he laughs
so we start the movie.

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